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Many of you here have read posts from Coach May and some of you have had the great honor and pleasure to meet this man. Those of you that haven't met him might read his posts and wonder, "Is it really possible that this man's knowledge and sincerity are for real?" Here is a little story to let you know what kind of person he really is.

Coach May put together a "Boot Camp" that was held yesterday for any baseball player that wished to attend at his high school to give these young people a chance to learn exercises, drills, and workout regimens designed to increase strength and speed and ability, as well as having the opportunity for hitters to take somewhere between 75 and 100 cuts with the bat on the field in front of instructors. Pitchers and catchers got together to throw bullpens in front of instructors to allow them to find out what they needed to work on. The camp ran from 8 AM until 4 PM saturday at a total cost of $0 for everyone that attended and for the lucky ones who attended might have been the most beneficial camp they have ever attended in terms of how to work out and what it takes on your part to make yourself better than the next ballplayer. Players ranged from college signees and soon to be signees to 13 year old sweet swinging switch hitters, all who wanted a day to work out with Coach May and see why his players are so successful and what it takes to get there.

After my son attended, along with approximately 30 other young men, we got in the car and headed home, after our 5 hour drive, I went to post a thank you to Coach May on another board, and to my surprise there was already a player breakdown on each young man about what he needed to work on and the positives about each young man's game from that days workout already posted by none other than Coach May.

This is one person truly about kids and helping kids be as successful as they possibly can. He is truly one of the great ones, and if you have the chance, meet this man, your life will be better for it and listen to what he says.

Want to put a face with a name, or understand what kind of people you get to learn from here, look no further than Coach May, a great person, a great Coach, and a Great Friend.

Thank you Coach for making a positive mark on every young man's life that you touch, along with mine. You are truly one of the great ones.
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I believe that there are angels among us.

Coach May is one of them.

I don't foresee ever being blessed by meeting him in person, but I am blessed for knowing him from this message board.
God bless you, Coach May.

Kevin11, thanks so much for posting this wonderful Christmas message of Glad Tidings and Good Cheer and lots of Good Will.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
Last edited by play baseball
That is the truth.

Coach May spent time with my youngest son (and I ) at Wake Forest this past fall. He had never met Kyle before.

Coach May talked to Kyle for about 15 minutes. I just listened - and I was just amazed at what he said - and how he said it.

When we got back to the car - Kyle said to me:

"Dad - that guy is awesome!"

Aint that the truth!

That guy is awesome. Make no doubt about it.

One of a kind as far as I'm concerned.
Last edited by itsinthegame
Although I have enjoyed this site for the last 5+ years, it has been awhile since I have posted here. I saw this thread and felt compelled to reply.

I, too, am a member of the Coach Kenny May Fan Club. I have met a lot of people in all walks of the baseball world; However, Coach May, is unique in his love of the game and his love for the young players that play it.

Although he has an extremely talented son that will have an impact at UNC as a freshman next year, he balances his personal enthusiasm for his son with the same enthusiasm for all players that he comes in contact with. To him, they are all his son's.

His philosophy is older than "old skool", but he is consistent in his beliefs and the respect that people have for him across the state of North Carolina is bordering on "legendary".

I'm glad I can call him a friend, but there is a long line on that list.

This website has meant alot to many people, but what I like most are the friends I have made....and Coach May and Itsinthegame are two of the finest one could have.
There are a bunch of members out here of the Coach May Fan Club! Kenny worked with me here on this site as my Son was closing in on a choice for College. Kenny provided very valuable insight and knowledge of the program we were considering and was quick to share that with our family.
I looked him up while down in Jupiter and he was a real pleasure to speak with, we had a great conversation regarding the college recruiting process and baseball in general. He is a special guy to be sure.
He promised that he would make his way over to see my Son play once he heads up to Belmont Abbey, and I am sure that he will show up. It is obvious that Coach May is a man of integrity.
Thanks Coach for all the help you have provided to all who have posted here on this web site. Your positive attitude is appreciated.
Last edited by floridafan
Originally posted by floridafan:
There are a bunch of members out here of the Coach May Fan Club! Kenny worked with me here on this site as my Son was closing in on a choice for College. Kenny provided very valuable insight and knowledge of the program we were considering and was quick to share that with our family.
I looked him up while down in Jupiter and he was a real pleasure to speak with, we had a great conversation regarding the college recruiting process and baseball in general. He is a special guy to be sure.
He promised that he would make his way over to see my Son play once he heads up to Belmont Abbey, and I am sure that he will show up. It is obvious that Coach May is a man of integrity.
Thanks Coach for all the help you have provided to all who have posted here on this web site. Your positive attitude is appreciated.

Floridafan, our experiences with Coach May are very similar. Kenny has been a great sounding board over the last year and he is obviously a class act. The first thing he said after my son committed to his school (which is a long way from home) was that he lived close by and would be there for my son if we ever needed anything. The thing is when Kenny said it, you could tell he meant it.

I am please to say I will be getting the chance to get to know Ken better over the next few years since our son's will be going to the same school. How cool is that!

Kudos Coach May on your “Boot Camp” program, it’s nice to see people like yourself giving of you time and experience in such an honorable way.
I totally concur the nice things said about these fine gentlemen and their sons. "Class Acts" who stand out in many baseball circles. "Pillars of their communities." Givers, not takers. Hard workers who take preparation to the next level of "preparation meets opportunities."

Coach May has always been an officer and a gentleman in the chat rooms, even though I've not had the pleasure "yet" of meeting him. Have heard from many others that Coach May and his son Jeff are faithful stewards to the game of baseball and help multitudes. We need more like them.

Also, after meeting ITS this past month in Jupiter, it totally reinforced my banter and phone conversations with him prior to meeting him. He exceeded my wildest expectations at the WWBA tournament and his son Kyle looks like a serious prospect, just like his older brother in the BlueJays organization.

UNC will be lucky to have Coach May's son if he's anything like his dad in giving back, not expecting anything in return. And from what I hear second-hand, he is a leader and captain to his teammates. Team players like that are hard to find. With players like that, championships are won!!! The Tar Heels will be fortunate to have Jeff.

Also, Kyle will be a great edition to the UNC-Pembroke program and shows great tools to play this game! I was impressed in Jupiter with several plus tools demonstrated by Kyle in my observations.

My prayers and blessings to both families!! "The harder they work, the luckier they get"-Shep's .02

Happy "almost" New Year to all! Just put on the blackeyed peas and howg jowl Big Grin Collards in the the morning. peace shep
Shep - I kid you not - one of the best parts of 2007 for me was the experience at Jupiter.

Spending time with you and your lovely wife - and Coach May - and Coach Merc - and TR - and PGstaff.

To me - next to watching my sons play - that was about as good as it could possibly get.

We wish you and your family the very best in the New Year.
I want to thank all of you for the nice things said about me and especially my son. We had 30 young men at the boot camp and it was so much fun to spend a day on the field with them. And meeting all the parents was special as well. I have been very fortunate to meet so many of you along the way. My life is better because of it. Im very excited about the opportunity my son has being able to attend UNC and play baseball. I plan on spending some time with JerseyDad at many baseball games over the next few years. But you can bet I will make it to Belmont Abbey to see FF son and UNC-P to see Gamers. I have alot of sons playing baseball. I love watching them all play and spending time with all the dads. Thanks guys for the kind words. Baseball friends are the best friends in the world. "They understand me best."
I'll say with absolute certainty that Coach May has become one of my very best friends over the last year. His insight into the workings of this great game we cherish is almost peerless. If there is a negative bone in that man's body, it is doing a very good job of disguising itself. Along with just discussing every facet of baseball, he has kept my spirits up during a time when I thought the baseball world had passed me,and my son, by. He has some things planned with which I hope to assist. I have a feeling it is going to be special. Thanks coach, and I hope to see a lot of you, Jeff, and Pratt this spring.
A quick story about what Coach May did for my son who was at the "Boot Camp."

After the long day in the cold (which my son didn't mind a bit because he got to hit all he wanted and watch some of the best high school players in North Carolina take BP), we went up to thank Coach May. I casually mentioned that my son was anxious to find a good showcase team for the summer/fall where he could face quality pitching on a regular basis. Coach May said not to worry that he would make some calls.

Two days later we received a call from the coach of a respected showcase team offering my son a spot. Had he ever seen my son play? No. Was his roster already full? Yes. But the coach said if Kenny May was recommending my son that was all he needed to hear. Talk about a great Christmas gift. My boy hasn't stopped smiling since.

I love baseball and the thrill it gives my son when he steps between the lines. But my greatest joy is that this game is introducing him to people of great character and generosity. Coach May is at the top of that list in our house. Thanks, coach, for modeling virtues that my kid will remember long after he is finished playing this great game.

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