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It was mentioned some time last year that there was no American Flag flying at LakePoint.  PGStaff immediately acknowledged that it was a complete oversight and that he was working to have one of the largest flags in the state installed.  He came through on his promise last year and I was fortunate enough a couple of weeks ago to snap this shot on a very pretty Saturday.

As we nitpick each other, Bryce Harper, 2022 parents asking about velo, parents of former MILB players being too far removed to contribute, parents of current HS parents not knowing enough to contribute, those with early commits, those with late commits, parking fees, statistics, weighted balls and any other topic that polarizes here, lets all be thankful to live in such a great country where we have not only the freedom for our families and children to pursue dreams, but the freedom for us to all agree and disagree on open forums.  I've been fortunate to have traveled and lived all over the world and have yet to find a place I'd rather be (although I yet to get to Bora Bora).

Jerry, thanks for coming through in spades on your promise to fix the oversight on the flag.  Tip of the cap from a veteran to you.



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This reminds me of one of my best memories of baseball.  About 6 years ago in late May for a Regional Playoff my sons team played at dusk.  For the anthem they used to line up right up the middle of the field:  Cather at the plate 1B,P, 3B behind the mound, SS and 2B on the grass behind 2B and the Outfielders in CF.

The sun was setting and the sky was purple, red and orange - you know the kind.  I was on the 3B side and the Flag was huge and in Right Center.  So it was waving in a 10-15 MPH breeze and it looked like it was sitting right on top of the heads of the Outfielders (my son was RF) with that blast of color in the sky with the setting sun. 

I am not ashamed to tell you by the time the Home of the Brave was belted out I had to rub my eyes.  Just a perfect slice of what it is to be American.  We should never...ever....forget it.

luv baseball posted:

This reminds me of one of my best memories of baseball.  About 6 years ago in late May for a Regional Playoff my sons team played at dusk.  For the anthem they used to line up right up the middle of the field:  Cather at the plate 1B,P, 3B behind the mound, SS and 2B on the grass behind 2B and the Outfielders in CF.

The sun was setting and the sky was purple, red and orange - you know the kind.  I was on the 3B side and the Flag was huge and in Right Center.  So it was waving in a 10-15 MPH breeze and it looked like it was sitting right on top of the heads of the Outfielders (my son was RF) with that blast of color in the sky with the setting sun. 

I am not ashamed to tell you by the time the Home of the Brave was belted out I had to rub my eyes.  Just a perfect slice of what it is to be American.  We should never...ever....forget it.

Then I'll share another of my favorites.  During home games, similar to what you describe, Pitcher and Catcher stand side by side near the mound, infielders stand at the edge of the infield grass in front of 2b and outfielders stand at the edge of the outfield grass behind 2b.  A few times each season they'll have the HS NJROTC present colors for the anthem.



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I have always been partial to the Battle Hymn of the Republic - but it has fallen out of favor. 

IMO ..greatest lines ever in a song: 

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free
While God is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!.....

Absolutely magnificent. 

I'm with Luv Baseball!

This it off topic, but am moved to share, so, please allow this indulgence. I get emotional about our Flag & The Battle Hymn of the Republic! 

My husband was Vietnam Era ('68-69), awarded a Silver Star, a true Patriot. He was a very accomplished pianist, as well. One of my most cherished memories was an evening at the Hershey Hotel (now Omni) in Corpus Christi. We had finished dinner & were drawn to the sound of music in the open bar above...the acoustics were phenomenal. We went up & enjoyed a couple sets. My husband made a request...but piano players know piano players... & so invited Mike to take the keys. He started with Two for the Road (our song), then MacArthur's Park & then the most beautiful & powerful rendition of The Battle Hymn of the Republic I have ever heard. I only wish I had the recording but thankful the memory is everlasting! 


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