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From a recent post by justbaseball

This is probably going to embarrass someone, but she's just going to have to live with it....

Back in July I had posted on here that I was about to send a donation to Julie (MN-Mom) to help defray the costs of keeping the HS Baseball Web running. I was on vacation. I forgot.

Today I sent my check. How about you?

Just so you know...Julie has a few sponsors on this site...but from my understanding it still comes up well short of covering monthly costs. Who pays it? Well, Julie does.

The monthly costs are around $300. Thats a lot of $$ for a kind-hearted person to be putting out every month for you and me and all of US! I know she's working on more sponsors...that will help down the road. But what about now?

Lets help her. Even just $25 every couple of months will go a LONG way if a few dozen of us just do that. A little more is even better...a little less will surely be much appreciated too. Put off buying that $300 bat just one more month and do this instead (lets admit get FAR more out of this site than that super-duper bat will bring you anyways).

So here's how you do it. Go to this link and either use PayPal or write a check and mail it.

Donate to the HS Baseball Web

If you don't want to go to the link, here's the address to mail your check too.

(Check payable to) Julie Sigfrinius
ATTN: High School Baseball Web
15805 49th Ave N
Plymouth, MN 55446

THANKS A BUNCH Julie! You're the best!
Original Post

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Cheapseats, most of them lost more than $10 on the Cowboys just this past weekend.

Can't think of that Cowboys QB name, Blew Sledslow?

Oh, and we probably ought to just go ahead and cover CT, while we're at it.

If this subtle pressure don't work, we're gonna do a Jerry Lewis Marathon. TPM, URKMB, and lafmom, will be performing. Collikar will do a spelling bee.

You either learn to spell or pay $10 NOT to see TPM, URKMB, or lafmom.
Last edited by FormerObserver
cheapseats and an oldbat...hanging right in there ain't I?

It is a little known fact that Ken Guthrie watched daily reruns of Dragnet as a kid...........

This thread could pose quite a quandry for PDelete and the BigDelete.

Will they allow the continuous bashing of Ken Guthrie or cut off the cash flow?

If THIS attempt at humor is considered "at the expense of Ken Guthrie"


Use the link below.
Last edited by FormerObserver
Let's all help Julie out financially by sending in some cash, this website has been a great resource and I know that it has made getting through these HS Baseball years easier because of it, for some of us it was a calming influence during the dreaded Freshman tryouts, I know there are posters out there that have entered and made it through the recruiting process with their fingernails intact because of this site, and some of us have made some great friends (or enemies) because of this site and funny thing is some of these folks we have never met in person just know them by their wit and charm......., some of us have learned survival skills due to this site (I got hit by a train once and I survived...)

and best of all...........we have been able to fill in some of those empty gaps at work or at home when we should be working, cleaning or sleeping with some great reading and posting.....

Make a Donation and

Last edited by oldbat-never
Originally posted by FormerObserver:

If this subtle pressure don't work, we're gonna do a Jerry Lewis Marathon. TPM, URKMB, and lafmom, will be performing. Collikar will do a spelling bee.

You either learn to spell or pay $10 NOT to see TPM, URKMB, or lafmom.

She should get a lot of donations after your post. Big Grin
Well, it looks like all three of my friends and I have raised $30.

Payday is tomorrow.

You know, just as your figure starts to hit the send button on the paypay screen, it will cramp and almost completely curl into the palm of your hand, but after you hit the button with the uncramped hand it feels pretty good, and the cramp will leave your mousey hand.

It feels pretty good after that, sort of like seing your son hit a dinger over the scoreboard in CF, and similar, but not as good as insulting Ken Guthrie and being deleted by the MasterDeleters.

It ain't lookin' good for ya, TPM!
Last edited by FormerObserver
PDiddy, seriously now, one would acknowledge and assume the MasterDeleters, (also known as collection officers at the Baptist church) would be exempt.............

Yes, I can SEEE the money coming in, but have had limited success with the TJ healing. Benny Hinn might help though.

Thanks for the encouragement, I am looking into a career in televangelism......

I thought the payday reminder would pull some out....

And for those that have to wait until payday to send $10 (Ten and no/100's), make some Folgers at home and skip Starbuck's ONLY four days, next week.

Lord, I apologize...

And, in the words of the great televangelist, Jimmy Swaggart, himself, "I have sinned...."
Last edited by FormerObserver
Direct from our greatest PHILosofer, Fungo......

I said I didn’t like advertisement on the HSBBW. But after thinking about what I said let me clarify some things. I think it’s unfair of me to come in and publicly suggest how the HSBBW should be run. I have no idea how much it cost to run the HSBBW. But I know it does cost money! I also don’t know how much work it takes to make this all happen. But it has to take a lot of work! All I know is everything works on the HSBBW for all the kids and their parents and it works very well. Let’s face it folks, Julie has to find herself in some pretty awkward financial situations when it comes to running this site. Should she ask for donations? That’s not her style. Do you want her to beg for donations? Let’s not insult her. Should she charge a membership fee? Nope! I know Bob (founder of this site) said he never wanted a membership fee and I know Julie respects Bob. Should she advertise? You mean make this a commercial site? Hey, she has to have the money to make this site function and money doesn’t grow on trees. She has to do something. Ask yourself some questions. Should she be the one that foots the bill so you can come in here and tell how your son just made the All-Star team or got accepted to a college baseball program? Should she pay the web hosting fees so a young man can ask how long it will take to recover from TJ surgery? Should she be the one that writes the check so a promoter can tell everyone that Tom House is having a clinic and for just $300.00 you can attend? Let’s put “money spent” vs. “getting to the next level” in perspective. Let’s use the Tom House ad as an example. I was reading their website that they placed on the HSBBW for his clinics (at Julie’s expense of course). The “ad” states that for $150.00 your son can spend 30 minutes with Tom House? If spending $150.00 works, I would spend the money but I am a little skeptical. (look at how much you COULD spend with Mr. House if you used his total packsge) YIKES! I’m like most every other parent that wanted to do everything I could to help my son along the way as he went from a pre-high school baseball player thru college to a pro baseball player and I can tell you the BEST thing I ever did was find the HSBBW. I think that bears repeating --- THE BEST THING I EVER DID WAS FIND THE HSBBW!
Cumulatively speaking there is much more relative and unbiased information on the HSBBW on how to get your son to the next level than Tom House could ever give you. While Mr. House charges $150.00 for 30 minutes of his information the information here is basically FREE --- however you and I both know there ain’t nothing free --- You just haven’t thought about the bills Julie gets every month. Let’s all chip in and pay 'em! Hey, If we send a little more than she actually needs, then I say she can keep the change for all her hard work!
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
umm, so you can see who donates???

No but you get to use the "Step Up to the Plate and Be a Donor" avatar if you want to AND you get the added benefit that you still know you are getting a pretty good deal for the cost of your "hobby"...alcohol, golf, shopping, etc. would be alot more expensive to support!

Most important of all.....we want FO to think he has a few more friends out there. Smile
Last edited by cheapseats
I am getting a tear in my eye for you Frown

I am thinking of making another donation and asking that it is "in honor of FO"..........why didn't I think of that a couple of days ago with my donation.

WHERE IS EVERYONE?????????????

...........donate so we can keep this site going and so that it isn't a financial burden to MNMom..................

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