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While watching the Divion III New England Regionals today I was reminded how the HS players develop nicknames--

We had a young man who was nicknamed "Moonlight"--how he got that name was quite the story-- we were playing in PA and he was late getting in the evening before the event--unknownst to him when he arrived one of our coaches, who was coming down after work, was right behind him. The next morning he missed breakfast and then was late getting to the field---despite all his explanations, supposed flat tire in the morning etc we sat him in the first game. When he asked why, I explained I knew when he got in last nite, it more like in the early morning and we saw his car in the lot when we left and it had no flat.

Two things came out of this: the nickname "Moonlight" and he was never late again

It amazed me how creative the kids can be

Today he is a sophomore All Conference player with a shot at National All American honors.
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TRhit, this made me think about Moonlight Graham from Field of Dreams.

And these guys. I'd love to learn some more nicknames.This has been posted online already so I think it's ok. It is my pleasure to introduce (from left to right) Juice Box (aka 2B), Sweet T, Bigg Dogg, and Sunshine. Not pictured: Tree, T-bone, and Flower. We may have been #2 in the district, but a more handsome group of young men you'll never find. Smile

Last edited by 2Bmom
reminded how the HS players develop nicknames
I have friends to this day we call Hanger and Air Ball. Hanger hung a curve that was put in orbit his soph year (thirty-five years ago). Air Ball missed everything on his first high school basketball shot. Air Ball had a sweet shot. But he never shook the name.

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