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To our Southern comrades,

Send blankets, shovels, and a little sunshine!

I'm getting tired of this Mad. Touched 50 mid-week and even watched some kids playing catch in the few inches of remaining snow. I get up this morning and the local news says up to 16 inches of "heavy" snow this weekend and blizzard conditions. Mother Nature and the baseball gods need to get together and sync their plans for the upcoming season.
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JT quote:
those Left Coasters are already nearing on 15-20 games played.

I heard the excuse was they have to get the games in because you never know that some morning Nevada, Idaho, and Arizona will be ocean front property. I guess that would be a proactive excuse that NCAA bluehairs would probably fall for.
Last edited by rz1
Last weekend at game snow flurries 28 degree windchill, the other night LIGHTENING and rain delay for 3 hours than fog, ending the game early, yesterday in the 70's.
Last weekend South Florida gets hit with colder temps than Clemson, South Carolina.
Game postponements have been everywhere.

Mother nature and the baseball gods need to get it together everywhere for everyone! Baseball season has begun.
snow flurries 28 degree windchill, the other night LIGHTENING and rain delay for 3 hours than fog,

I'd trade my wife in Big Grin for a little fog, lightening, and a rain delay. A 28 degree windchill is time to break out the shorts, flip-flops, and sun block Cool.

btw- In the last 25 years the wife has traded me in for a lot less......can't imagine why , but I keep showing back up at the door like a good puppy. However, I did draw a line when the trade involved a used 4 piece tupperware set.
Last edited by rz1

Originally posted by rz1:
In the last 25 years the wife has traded me in for a lot less... However, I did draw a line when the trade involved a used 4 piece tupperware set.

That's bad...really bad rz.

You had better learn how to burp better and finish it with a vacuum seal or you're going to lose out to Tupperware every or used!

If you don't know of any good burpmeisters to teach you, then call my son...he can really belt them out!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
rz1 ...

Perhaps the future possibility of beach front property explains some of the hideous appreciations in the housing markets of So Cal ... we can have beaches to the left of us and beaches to the right of us

JT ...

Perhaps Julie can set up a sarcasm code [sarcasm][/sarcasm] that would easily identify when one is being sarcastic ... of course, some of our HSBBW friends would never need to use it because the dripping sarcasm comes through loud and clear
Maybe I'm a little insensitive toward others weather because of a frozen brain mass. If it wasn't for the kid playing last weekend on the ACC webcast I would have been with my group at the Special Olympics Polar Plunge. It was a balmy 21 degree high last Sat.

See the film clip from 2005 Madison Polar plunge. This years video clip is not out yet and last year it was cancelled because they said -35 air temp was too cold ...sissies. It is a rush and out of body experience that everyone should mark on the "To Do List" of their life calendar.

Polar Plunge Use speakers

Last edited by rz1
You might be on to something 3up-3down.

It's really hard to discern between some of the sounds because of the multiple layers of clothing required in the cold northern climate.

Often times the only tell-tale evidence is the smirk on the perpetrator's face.

"Give a smirk a very wide berth."

Shrinkage? You mean like retractable landing gear on a jetliner? Like a disappearing act!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
RZ1- I feel for you, brother. I played ball in Michigan all my life and coached there for 9 years. We moved to North Carolina this summer...and our 1st game is on Monday (2/26). Unbelievable! Practice on Saturday was in the 60's...don't mean to rub it in, but I threw my snow shovel away! ha ha Take care - we'll do the "anti-snow" dance for you!

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