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A former Stanford teammate of my son's, Chris Lewis (now in the Angels organization), was very seriously hurt in a car accident in SoCal this past weekend. He was hit by a drunk driver and came within seconds of being trapped in a burning truck.

Accident Story

I am happy to report that Chris is finally resting comfortably in a SoCal hospital after a few days in ICU. He still faces a number of surgeries, but there is good hope for a recovery. As his father told my wife, "thank God he's alive!" Also thankfully (I suppose), he doesn't remember any of the accident.

I just saw and spoke with Chris earlier that evening at the Stanford/Fullerton game. He was returning home from the game when the accident occurred. Chris is a happy-go-lucky guy full of life and so much fun to be around. When our son was hurt last summer, he was one of the very first to communicate his well wishes to our family. He's a GREAT kid!

So now its time to turn our healing powers on Chris...and to remember the Little League volunteer, Dennis Mihelic, who was killed in the same acccident. I know firsthand that with your help, we can make this horrible situation a little better.

Thanks and remember to give your kids a BIG hug tonight. You just never know.
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"There but for the grace of God, go I"...

We will keep Chris in our prayers for a complete recovery.

We pray for Dennis Mihelic. May he rest in eternal peace.
We pray for the family, friends, and all of the little lives whom he affected.

We also pray for those who drink and drive. That they stop drinking. And if they drink, that they never ever get behind the wheel of a car.
Prayers for all involved that they may recover physically, spiritually, and emotionally; condolances to the family of Dennis Mihelic and prayers for their emotional and spiritual healing; and thanksgiving for the men who rescued Chris and his passenger from what became an inferno. I know God has a special place in His heart for the heroes who risked their own safety to help Chris et al.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
I don't know Chris personally, but I know that my son and the others on the team think the world of him. He was one of the leaders on the team last year and really helped lift the whole team up when they were struggling.

I was listening to the Friday night Fullerton/Stanford game broadcast on the Stanford radio station, and Chris was interviewed by our Stanford broadcaster. Chris was his usual articulate, lively, friendly self and he was looking so much forward to reporting for spring training. I was and am just devastated to hear the news of the accident a few hours later.

I hope Chris and his family will know how many people are sending out healing thoughts and our great admiration and affection for him.
Last edited by Bordeaux

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