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True story. I told my dad when A-Rod was 18 y.o. and with the Mariners that he would end up the greatest player of ALL TIME. At that time, the Mariners had Griffey and my dad scoffed at the notion.

When he bolted to Texas fans in Seattle threw dollar bills at him when he visited to play. My attitude: NO WAY IN GOD'S GREEN EARTH WOULD I TURN DOWN 252 MILLION. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. People crucified him in the press and I viewed them as hypocrits.. would you turn down 252 mil?

As for N.Y., their "guy" is Jeter. A-Rod is home with the wife and living a square life, getting crucified by the press, while Jeter is the toast of the town, partying it up. Such tripe.

I hope A-Rod makes 50 million a year. Why would I begrudge ANYONE their wealth? Folks, you are witnessing the greatest baseball player of all-time! He may well have 1000 homeruns when he's done. And has he killed dogs? Taken steroids? If I were A-Rod, and I'd tell the press to shove it where the sun don't shine and LOL all the way to the bank.
Last edited by Bum

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