Actually, there were two articles in the Boston Globe. One expressed concern over Lowell's ability to produce in two or three years given his age. The second was about how the Red Sox could afford ARod. Aside from Manny being off the books after next season, there's an expectation Crisp will be traded, Clement will not be resigned and Schilling will probably be playing for less and gone after next season. There would also be the reduction of Lowell's salary if they didn't sign him. Given the Sox will need a big bat behind Ortiz after next season and piecing the two pieces of logic (articles) together, it makes sense. It's not inside information. I said, "I believe....."
Now the Sox have to either ante up to keep from losing Lowell or go after Cabrera or Adkins. The Yankees aren't out of the picture yet. They supposedly pursuing Lowell for first base.