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Originally posted by rz1:
Originally posted by 2Bmom:
Just curious - was there this much of a ruckus when Mike Piazza played for Italy in 06?

No. but in 2006 Piazza was not good enough to play for the US so his "second option" was playing behind his heritage

That was a fairly passive "No" rz1 - if I hadn't looked harder, I might have missed it Big Grin

Let me see if I have the rules figured out. If it is your first option, you MUST play for the home country or you will be disrespecting everyone and everything from the home country. If it is your second option, disregard rule number 1. Are there any other exceptions to the rules that we should be made aware of? Just having a little fun playing devil's advocate with the "ultimate" devils advocate Big Grin

Good job 2bmom!!! Smile
International competition can have a national effect. When the representative athlete or team wins, the nation feels a sense of pride and patriotism.

Some call it propaganda, but I recall growing up and hearing about Jesse Owens' and Joe Louis' accomplishments on the international stage.

If the national team shuns you, there is no harm or foul in playing for another team with whom you may have affiliation.
So here's what to do.... Have a draft. The managers of all eligible teams choose from all players who have expressed an interest. 28 rounds. Since citizenship doesn't matter.

Or...exclude the U.S. from having a team in the tournament since almost all American-born players are descendents of another country and not true Americans. Of course there are a few Native American descendents-Joba Chamberlain for one- and there may be enough to field a team if present players research their geneology, would 1/32nd Cherokee be OK? My boys could qualify if all the non-Native Americans are excluded. Of course, now they could go play for Scottish team, or the English team, or the Irish team, and I think French and German as well.

Seriously now, all you logically thinking fine folks out there. What the heck is the purpose of having a tournament with countries playing against other countries if it doesn't matter what country you belong to?
I'm sure there must be some Dominicans that may have some Cuban blood. Some Puerto Ricans that may have some Columbian blood. Some Japanese that may have some Korean blood. Some Italians that may have some Greek blood.
I guess it's possible that ARod could play against one of his countrymen in every single game.

Yeah, makes sense to me. Confused
Let him play with the Dominican, Swedish (although I would like to play for them if they have cheerleaders), Haitian, Italian, Greece or whatever team he wants. I don't care. But let us do the American thing and beat them.

Winning - that, ladies and gentlemen, is the American way. We just need to get back on that path.

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