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Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

Did I hear you correctly Mr. zombywoof sir?

You are suggesting a distraught Buck should leap off of me?

To end his pain?


What the Buck? I suppose I could work a strange Buck in somewhere....



    by: Walt Whitman (1819-1892)

Passing stranger! you do not know how longingly I look upon you, surely I am crazy.

You must be he I was seeking, or she I was seeking, (it comes to me as of a dream, or crackling through the air on a communication device yet to be discovered.)

I have somewhere surely lived a life of joy with you, unlike many of those viewing the series.

All is recall'd as we flit by each other, fluid, affectionate, chaste, matured, bored.

You grew up with me, were a boy with me or a girl with me, but certainly not a Yankee fan with me.

I ate with you and slept with you, your body has become not yours only nor left my body mine only, sort of like a gaudy chromed hood ornament...whatever that is.

You give me the pleasure of your eyes, face, flesh, as we pass, you take of my beard, breast, hands, in return, if only your viewers felt the same.

I am not to speak to you, I am to think of you when I sit alone or wake at night alone, except on those nights when one of those communication devices gets smacked squarely by a baseball.

I am to wait, I do not doubt I am to meet you again, for the series is only three games old.

I am to see to it that I do not lose you, but if you don't jump soon I will indeed give you a shove!


And just so you know Mr.zombywoof a result of your post and the researching I did to respond I found out a great deal about ol' Walt that I did not it up!


A lesson in Poetry. All thru the HS baseball network.

Great stuff!!

Big Grin
Last edited by zombywoof
Not an ARod lover, at all, and do understand that he had a couple bad playoff series. Also understand that many people dislike him and I have no problem with that.

On the other hand, here are his overall statistics in post season play…

Games – 51
Plate Appearances – 225
At Bats – 189
Runs – 32
Hits – 56
2B – 11
3B – 0
HR – 13
RBI – 31
SB – 5
BB – 27
HBP – 7
SO – 49
Batting Average - .296
OBP - .402

This is his first World Series appearance, but he has played in 4 AL Championship series (the series that wins the AL and gets a team in the WS) In those 4 ALCS series he hit .347 with 7 HR and 16 RBI in 20 games. His on base % in those 20 games is .462 and his slugging % is .707.

I also found this interesting…
As a 19 year old he got 1 AB in his first two post season series.
In the 1997 ALDS he hit .313
In the 2000 ALDS he hit .308
In the 2000 ALCS he hit .409
In the 2004 ALDS he hit .421
In the 2004 ALCS he hit .258
In the 2005 ALDS he hit .133 (his OBP was .435 as he walked 6 times and HBP 2)
In the 2006 ALDC he hit .071 (1 for 15, he stunk it up)
In the 2007 ALDS he hit .267
In the 2009 ALDS he hit .455 (OBP .500)
In the 2009 ALCS he hit .429 (OBP .567)

That is the reality of what has happened. Sometimes with ARod I think some people dislike him so much, they just concentrate on the bad. Baseball fans have every right to like or dislike a player.

The only reason I’m bringing this up is not to stand up for ARod, but to look at things realistically. At this time, Arod is nearly a lifetime .300 hitter in the post season. His post season stats over 162 games would average out to over 40 HRs and about 100 RBI with over.400 on base %. This is just slightly below his average during the season.

Surely everyone understands that hitters (any hitter) can have bad results in a game or a short series. In most cases, sooner or later, things sort of even out. As far as being a good or bad teammate… I’m betting that all his teammates this year are very happy he was on their team during both the Twins and Angels series.

I guess it’s OK to hate a player and even aside from the steroid stuff, ARod doesn’t really seem very likable. As a baseball fan, switching channels from football game to baseball game… I try not to miss ARod ABs. Whether he strikes out or hits a HR, I know I’m watching something special. BTW, no matter how he does in the WS… Ryan Howard is something special, too.

    Electric Powered A-Rod High Hatred Evaporator

"The most robust industrial grade electric A-Rod hatred evaporator for high hatred, Big Apple applications."

The A-Rod High Hatred Evaporator's hating element is elevated off the tank bottom which creates a cool zone for hot-headed Yankee fans to settle down. This enables efficient thermal transfer into the seething pool of A-Rod discontentment without being soured or fouled by hateful fan impingement. The unique immersed design ensures high efficiency and longevity when compared to other evaporators found in use around the league.

Construction features include:
    * Tank - 316 litre stainless steel. Also available: steroid resistant NOGOTHERE ALEX No.13 alloy.
    * High performance insinuation.
    * Outer protective skin - Costanza cloth© by VanDalay Industries.
    * Immersion haters - Triple fused Anti Tom Cruise elements.
    * Sentiment accumulation zone - extra volume, hate resistant.
    * 2 NPT sentiment drains.
    * Stainless steel electrical control box - encases automatic safety shut off controls and will deflect anything else that George may throw at it.

What to consider with other designs:
    Other designs, such as bottom hatred evaporators, use irate haters fastened to the tank underside where more than half of the hate energy is inefficiently radiated away from the intended target.

    Precipitating hatred solids also settle to the evaporator bottom further reducing hate transfer.

    Over time this shortens player hater life as stress builds up and insinuations settle on the tank bottom.

    This condition causes warping and hot spots on the player hater bottom, which causes discomfort and inability of player hater to sit down, relax, and just enjoy the game.

The innovative design features of our A-Rod High Hatred Evaporator include:
    * Reliable operation and long product life...what do you expect when money is of no matter?
    * High quality, quiet running aluminum exhaust blower...yes I said it! A-L-U-M-I-N-U-M...not wood!
    * Liquid level sensors for added enjoyment beyond the 7th inning.
    * 1 inch NPT female inlet. No comment.
    * Vitriol drain off.
    * Water tight electrical control switches and pilot lights for all Northwest Airlines' crews.


Last edited by gotwood4sale
I think many of these things are overlooked as well. Living in New York, I have had first hand experience in the mass media circus that has ripped A-Rod apart over the years. All we've heard is "not clutch", "headcase", etc. I am a lifelong Yankee fan but I am not totally a fan of A-Rod. He is one of the most talented and heralded players to ever play the game, but his attitude and the way he plays leaves many people disliking him.

However, I do believe that the negativity towards him is a little overboard and exaggerated by the New York media. A lot of it stems from his contract. And then some more of it stems from his personal life (and let's be serious now, is he really the only professional athlete to cheat on a wife?). And let's also not forget about the fact that he shares the left side of the field with one of the most liked Yankees of all time, and a man who will go down in history as one of the greatest to ever play the game, both as a talent, a teammate and a winner.

In my opinion, I think his admission to using steroids was the best thing that could have possibly happened to A-Rod. It seems to have somewhat liberated him and he looks more loose on the field than he ever has in the Bronx.

You can call him a cheater, a liar, a fake, an ***hole, whatever. And once again, I'm not defending him because I'm not particularly fond of him either. But as PGStaff said, when he steps up to the plate, everyone edges a little closer to the edge of their seat. Not many players in the game have that effect.
Originally posted by Coach_May:
Great post JH.

My understanding is/was that AROD had been manipulated by many who saw his talent as a way to make some nice bucks, that's some word down here about him.

I can't imagine being a young immature kid and all of a sudden your life turns around being awarded the most $$ to a player at that time. Was that his fault? Some may disagree, but I could see the pressure he felt to have to live up to that contract and why he tried the steroid route to feel better to play better. It probably was all around him too. Tempting. Plus, when you are that famous, it is very hard to escape anything that you do in your private life, where others can go about their business unnoticed.

And as JH says, to have to play next to someone who gets nothing but adoration from fans, must be really tough.

I always say, the truth shall set you free, and it has for him and I am glad for him and the yankee fans, who if they win will put aside all of their hate for him and move on.
Last edited by TPM
People have agents so they don't have to put up with decisions and the BS that goes along with it. You think he is the only one whose agent takes control(that's what I was talking about above being manipulated) you just don't hear about it because they aren't as high profile. If he was so happy with what was going on, why did he seek other advice?

How much input did he really have? Seems to me since that time he's grown up a bit, no, I am not particularly found of him off the field, but I can't take away from what he does in the game.

I am just personally tired of all this bashing that goes with the territory, for everyone. Someday it will all come out who was on the stuff, will you dislike them too? I just dislike the ones who deny it even when the evidence is clear, man up and move on. This was a culture that was acceptable by players, trainers, managers and coaches and organizations. I don't say that was right, but I can definetly see why so many got caught up with it, you ever play the game for 9-10 straight months and feel well? No excuse, but it everyone around you is doing it, you might be too.

That's my opinion and FWIW, I brought up my player because I found it interesting about the pics of AROD posted and about his weight gain, could be steroids. If you saw son and then 6 years later, you might think the same thing about him to. Pics don't mean anything, stats do.

PG, good post.
.."cheater, liar, fake, ***hole..."

I wouldn't use the last one, but add "self-absorbed, obnoxious, arrogant, and self-centered" and you'd have my thoughts. Pretty much sums up what I think of him, and I don't edge closer to my seat as he disgusts me.

Originally I repected his abilities, even if he was a Yankee, but as I've learned that he cheated on his wife, told bald-faced lies on national television, threw his cousin under the bus, and didn't even come close to coming clean when he did his version of "fessing up" , admitting only what was already shown...he's a creep. Pure and simple. Blame his talent, blame those around him...or, perhaps, blame him.

I'll be glad when he retires, or gets indicted, whichever comes first.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Not an ARod lover, at all, and do understand that he had a couple bad playoff series. Also understand that many people dislike him and I have no problem with that.

On the other hand, here are his overall statistics in post season play…

Games – 51
Plate Appearances – 225
At Bats – 189
Runs – 32
Hits – 56
2B – 11
3B – 0
HR – 13
RBI – 31
SB – 5
BB – 27
HBP – 7
SO – 49
Batting Average - .296
OBP - .402

This is his first World Series appearance, but he has played in 4 AL Championship series (the series that wins the AL and gets a team in the WS) In those 4 ALCS series he hit .347 with 7 HR and 16 RBI in 20 games. His on base % in those 20 games is .462 and his slugging % is .707.

I also found this interesting…
As a 19 year old he got 1 AB in his first two post season series.
In the 1997 ALDS he hit .313
In the 2000 ALDS he hit .308
In the 2000 ALCS he hit .409
In the 2004 ALDS he hit .421
In the 2004 ALCS he hit .258
In the 2005 ALDS he hit .133 (his OBP was .435 as he walked 6 times and HBP 2)
In the 2006 ALDC he hit .071 (1 for 15, he stunk it up)
In the 2007 ALDS he hit .267
In the 2009 ALDS he hit .455 (OBP .500)
In the 2009 ALCS he hit .429 (OBP .567)

That is the reality of what has happened. Sometimes with ARod I think some people dislike him so much, they just concentrate on the bad. Baseball fans have every right to like or dislike a player.

The only reason I’m bringing this up is not to stand up for ARod, but to look at things realistically. At this time, Arod is nearly a lifetime .300 hitter in the post season. His post season stats over 162 games would average out to over 40 HRs and about 100 RBI with over.400 on base %. This is just slightly below his average during the season.

Surely everyone understands that hitters (any hitter) can have bad results in a game or a short series. In most cases, sooner or later, things sort of even out. As far as being a good or bad teammate… I’m betting that all his teammates this year are very happy he was on their team during both the Twins and Angels series.

I guess it’s OK to hate a player and even aside from the steroid stuff, ARod doesn’t really seem very likable. As a baseball fan, switching channels from football game to baseball game… I try not to miss ARod ABs. Whether he strikes out or hits a HR, I know I’m watching something special. BTW, no matter how he does in the WS… Ryan Howard is something special, too.

One stat not mentioned is that Arod was 0-38 RISP before the 2009 playoffs. That stat was the most glaring and the one that labeled Arod a choke artist.

He has redeemed himself this post-season as he has gotten a lot of key hits and homers during their World Series run and become feared at the plate that he's actually getting IBBs or pitched around.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by TPM:
People have agents so they don't have to put up with decisions and the BS that goes along with it. You think he is the only one whose agent takes control(that's what I was talking about above being manipulated) you just don't hear about it because they aren't as high profile. If he was so happy with what was going on, why did he seek other advice?

How much input did he really have? Seems to me since that time he's grown up a bit, no, I am not particularly found of him off the field, but I can't take away from what he does in the game.

I am just personally tired of all this bashing that goes with the territory, for everyone. Someday it will all come out who was on the stuff, will you dislike them too? I just dislike the ones who deny it even when the evidence is clear, man up and move on. This was a culture that was acceptable by players, trainers, managers and coaches and organizations. I don't say that was right, but I can definetly see why so many got caught up with it, you ever play the game for 9-10 straight months and feel well? No excuse, but it everyone around you is doing it, you might be too.

That's my opinion and FWIW, I brought up my player because I found it interesting about the pics of AROD posted and about his weight gain, could be steroids. If you saw son and then 6 years later, you might think the same thing about him to. Pics don't mean anything, stats do.

PG, good post.

Agree 100%, you can't expect every superstar athlete to be that perfect guy who everyone loves.
Originally posted by fsmjunior:
Originally posted by seth:
Originally posted by fsmjunior:
Originally posted by J H:
A-Rod opinions put aside, I am very disappointed with this forum. As a player, what frustrates me more than ANYTHING else is people assuming people are on steroids simply because they are bigger and stronger. Just because some fools decided to take illegal drugs to make themselves better at the game doesn't instantly mean every single person does it. It infuriates me when I hear "yeah well, he's not really that good, he's just juicing."

The accusations here of a player being on steroids...just far beyond what I expected from people who I think of as good baseball minds.

Whether A-Rod is a good man or a bad man, he's a hell of a talent. And I am not personally a A-Rod fan, but the guy had two bad games. TWO. Give him a little break and let him play.

With A Rod it is not a "just because" accusation... he admitted it.

The guy is a complete jerk!

Oh he is a jerk? You know A Rod personally? He may have done some things wrong but does that make him a jerk? You are just making yourself sound ignorant.

We say repeated how small the baseball community is. I live in FL, and as most others on here have, my son has played all over the state with countless people. THere are a ton of players and ex-players that live in FL w kids my sons age. Do I know him personally? No. Have I met people who do or have known him personally? Yes. DO I know some front office folks with a couple of teams? Yes.

A-Rod is well known to be a jerk. A-Rod is well known to be about A-Rod. Seth, I am many things, fortunately ignorant is NOT one of them!

Those are probably Red Sox fans who say he's a jerk lol. I have heard both, that he is a jerk and that he is a nice guy. But, I have never met the guy so i'm not going to call him a jerk.

He's gonna need a new one of these...

    DoughMaster©...Dough Sheeter

    "Cut All of Your Dough Into Manageable Sheets Effortlessly!"

Model A-ROD 275MM Dough Sheeter - Free Standing
    Quality at affordable pricing...crumbs really!

    Robust Construction: Not a worry up to a go ahead and invite a few friends over!

    Two way pressing: No need to run your dough twice!

    18" wide belt: Your invite into the WWF is assured!

    Safety Cover: Prevents other players' dough from being accidently swatted from their hands.

    All parts in contact with dough are stainless steel or specially coated to meet sanitary need for any medical substances!

    Roller Speed : 133 rpm...or about 10G per minute!

    Cycle time: Every few Fall Classics.

    Power: Multiple HR...finally!

    Electrical - 120 volts/60 hertz/1 phase, 8 amps...whatever, just send me the bill.

    Dimensions: 95" long x 34" wide x 48" high...fits in the trunk so I've been told.

    MLB Approved: As it should be!

    Weight: 620 Lbs. ...not to worry, I've got guys.

An incredibly low price of $4995...or approximately one swing of the bat (at BP).

Last edited by gotwood4sale
In spite of all that is said, written, posted, etc. (most of it unkind and most of it probably deserving) about AROD, I found it interesting if you watched closely all the end of game camera shots from around the field last night, Texiera and quite a few of the players coming out of the dugout went straight to AROD, not Rivera or Jeter. Did anyone else notice this?

Like I said, I think it is very interesting. Any thoughts?
Originally posted by getagoodpitchtohit:
In spite of all that is said, written, posted, etc. (most of it unkind and most of it probably deserving) about AROD, I found it interesting if you watched closely all the end of game camera shots from around the field last night, Texiera and quite a few of the players coming out of the dugout went straight to AROD, not Rivera or Jeter. Did anyone else notice this?

Like I said, I think it is very interesting. Any thoughts?

I absolutely noticed that!
They know that Arod got them there and they are and looking forward to that bonus paycheck. Nothing more.

I also notice that every first pitch to Arod seemed pretty close. Coincidence? I don't know.
One thing I have learned is people don't change - Arod was an a$$ when he joined the Bombers and things haven't changed. His behavior from trying to deliberately knock a ball out Bronson Arroyo's glove or, yelling "Mine" while rounding 3rd, to sliding into base while trying to take a crotch shot at the baseman. Let's not mention blowing his nose right onto the field.

Yep you get all that for $35 Mill a year. It's definitely a show.
Last edited by ...
Originally posted by Bighit15:
Originally posted by getagoodpitchtohit:
In spite of all that is said, written, posted, etc. (most of it unkind and most of it probably deserving) about AROD, I found it interesting if you watched closely all the end of game camera shots from around the field last night, Texiera and quite a few of the players coming out of the dugout went straight to AROD, not Rivera or Jeter. Did anyone else notice this?

Like I said, I think it is very interesting. Any thoughts?

I absolutely noticed that!

I did too!
Originally posted by ...:
They know that Arod got them there and they are and looking forward to that bonus paycheck. Nothing more.

I also notice that every first pitch to Arod seemed pretty close. Coincidence? I don't know.
One thing I have learned is people don't change - Arod was an a$$ when he joined the Bombers and things haven't changed. His behavior from trying to deliberately knock a ball out Bronson Arroyo's glove or, yelling "Mine" while rounding 3rd, to sliding into base while trying to take a crotch shot at the baseman. Let's not mention blowing his nose right onto the field.

Yep you get all that for $35 Mill a year. It's definitely a show.

I love some of the things people pick out to prove their points. Sure Arod punched the ball out of Arroyo's hand or yelled "Mine" when rounding third but that makes him an A$$? Although I'll admit that those were not the best things to do, that does not prove he is an A$$. You can call him a competitor; is that different than anyone who has taken steroids (Which of course he has) or the players in the old days who used the spitball? Are all of those players A$$es as well??
A-Roid - not ARod.

Never met the dude - and really couldn't care less about his off field marital escapades. Thats his business - not mine.

As for being self-absorbed - what a shock. LOL - Him - and about ten million other people I know.

Talented - you bet. Awesome talent.

The only reason I dont want to see him on any field - is because he is a liar and cheater. And by his own admission (Incredibly) - he was a liar and a cheater for a long time. By no means did he have a momentary lapse and make a singular mistake.

He is a meticulous - and calculated - liar and cheater. A fraud in the truest sense of the word.
And paid handsomely as well.

A-Roid - not A-Rod
Last edited by itsinthegame
Originally posted by johnny appleseed:
Originally posted by ...:

I love some of the things people pick out to prove their points. Sure Arod punched the ball out of Arroyo's hand or yelled "Mine" when rounding third but that makes him an A$$? Although I'll admit that those were not the best things to do, that does not prove he is an A$$. You can call him a competitor; is that different than anyone who has taken steroids (Which of course he has) or the players in the old days who used the spitball? Are all of those players A$$es as well??

To answer your question, YES that makes him an A$$. Steroids aside.

How did the list get to 150 names, I thought it was somewhere in the 100 to 110 range, and what does that have to do with A-Rod finally getting the monkey off his back, I thought he was key to the Yankees post season success

It is also strange that Arod name keeps popping up but everyone forgets that Pettite also admitted to using
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

I agree with 3Dot. Those incidents show a total lack of class in my mind and therefore I have no interest in him or his accomplishments.

He could break every record in the book and I would not change my mind. The game deserves better than him in my opinion.

Now if he were playing for the White Sox...


Originally posted by getagoodpitchtohit:
In spite of all that is said, written, posted, etc. (most of it unkind and most of it probably deserving) about AROD, I found it interesting if you watched closely all the end of game camera shots from around the field last night, Texiera and quite a few of the players coming out of the dugout went straight to AROD, not Rivera or Jeter. Did anyone else notice this?

Like I said, I think it is very interesting. Any thoughts?

I would like to hear some more opinions on my original post above, especially from all those self-appointed psychologists out there. In fact on the front page of testerday they had a great picture of everyone jumping on AROD.

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