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Didn't take long, but I guess A-Rod woke up and remembered he was A-Rod. After making a strong start in the play-offs, he's now 0-8 with 6K's in the World Series. I normally try and stay very positive on here, especially since most of the talk is regarding HS and college kids trying to get better, but I have to admit an intense dislike for this guy. IMO, he embodies what's wrong with pro baseball. From the QUARTER BILLION 10 year contract he signed with the Rangers, the b**ch slap (true character revealed) to Bronson Arroyo in the play-offs a few years ago, to the fake "I got it" call as a baserunner on an infield pop-up, all the way to the Madonna/stripper disgrace as a married man.
Smarter people than me may disagree, but I think the contracts he through his parasite agent have been awarded over the years have hurt the sport I love. Some may disagree, but you won't change my mind.
Go Phillies!!
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Can't disagree with Wayne here. A-roid has done a lot to hurt the integrity of the game. It is a shame that a Derek Jeter has to play side-by-side with a poster child for doing it the wrong way.

As my son and I watch the Playoffs and World Series, I find that A-roid is the one guy he roots against. He's a cheat. Worse yet, he's a gifted and talented cheat ... revealing an even deeper character flaw.

As Southpaw_son points out; when Sosa got off the juice to try to come back, he got smaller. Giambi got smaller. Other guys get smaller. A-roid is as big as ever. Do you really believe he is clean today?
ARod looks like Arod has always looked.

My son just turned 24 and body still maturing, he is far more larger and bigger than he has ever been, does that we are to assume he takes something to achieve those results?

This series has been all about the pitching, HR's come when pitchers make mistakes, happens to everyone. Can't blame him for not producing.
Last edited by TPM
Before the series began, ozzie called it right about A Rod- swings at too many bad pitches.

Watching him you can't help notice the difference between him and Jeter. Jeter will do anything to help the team win, Arod wants to win to be sure but it's equally important for him to personally do well.

Overall the public perception is accurate about Arod: great talent but not a team player.
Originally posted by Wayne:
Didn't take long, but I guess A-Rod woke up and remembered he was A-Rod. After making a strong start in the play-offs, he's now 0-8 with 6K's in the World Series. IMO, he embodies what's wrong with pro baseball. From the QUARTER BILLION 10 year contract he signed with the Rangers, the b**ch slap (true character revealed) to Bronson Arroyo in the play-offs a few years ago, to the fake "I got it" call as a baserunner on an infield pop-up, all the way to the Madonna/stripper disgrace as a married man.

Go Phillies!!

What about Ryan How-roid?

Large as a house that hits long balls?

You do assume he's on the juice too, right?

0-4 and 4 strikeouts against Burnett isn't exactly lighting it up either

If not, then it's about hating Arod and the Yankees which is cool but it is what it is
A-Rod opinions put aside, I am very disappointed with this forum. As a player, what frustrates me more than ANYTHING else is people assuming people are on steroids simply because they are bigger and stronger. Just because some fools decided to take illegal drugs to make themselves better at the game doesn't instantly mean every single person does it. It infuriates me when I hear "yeah well, he's not really that good, he's just juicing."

The accusations here of a player being on steroids...just far beyond what I expected from people who I think of as good baseball minds.

Whether A-Rod is a good man or a bad man, he's a hell of a talent. And I am not personally a A-Rod fan, but the guy had two bad games. TWO. Give him a little break and let him play.
Howard is just one of those naturally big dudes--there are a few of those playing pro sports after all. Look how smooth his skin is, you don't see veins the size of water hoses or skin that looks paper thin over his muscles. I think you would have to be a complete idiot to already be a star in the majors and get caught cheating now--Oh yea I forgot about Manny--case closed.
Originally posted by J H:
A-Rod opinions put aside, I am very disappointed with this forum. As a player, what frustrates me more than ANYTHING else is people assuming people are on steroids simply because they are bigger and stronger. Just because some fools decided to take illegal drugs to make themselves better at the game doesn't instantly mean every single person does it. It infuriates me when I hear "yeah well, he's not really that good, he's just juicing."

The accusations here of a player being on steroids...just far beyond what I expected from people who I think of as good baseball minds.

Whether A-Rod is a good man or a bad man, he's a hell of a talent. And I am not personally a A-Rod fan, but the guy had two bad games. TWO. Give him a little break and let him play.

With A Rod it is not a "just because" accusation... he admitted it.

The guy is a complete jerk!
When I turn on the TV to watch a game all I want to do is watch a game. I want to be entertained. I want to watch players that are talented compete against each other. I quit living in a fairy tale land long ago about these guys we watch on TV. They are not perfect. All of them are not nice guys. All of them are not the type of people we would want our sons to be. Simply put I watch the games for the pure entertainment of the game. Now if I want to watch some guys that I admire , respect and hope my kids one day will emulate then I will turn on the Military Channel and watch true heros.

Its up to the powers to be to ensure that the players follow whatever rules are in place. Arod is a he ll of a talent. If you can not see that it is because you are blinded by your dislike for him as a person. And thats fine thats your business you can like who you want to like. If you want to watch a ml game on TV and love all the guys and like all of them as people then good luck.
Originally posted by J H:
A-Rod opinions put aside, I am very disappointed with this forum. As a player, what frustrates me more than ANYTHING else is people assuming people are on steroids simply because they are bigger and stronger. Just because some fools decided to take illegal drugs to make themselves better at the game doesn't instantly mean every single person does it. It infuriates me when I hear "yeah well, he's not really that good, he's just juicing."

The accusations here of a player being on steroids...just far beyond what I expected from people who I think of as good baseball minds.

Whether A-Rod is a good man or a bad man, he's a hell of a talent. And I am not personally a A-Rod fan, but the guy had two bad games. TWO. Give him a little break and let him play.

I agree with you.

I agree with Coach May as well. I watch the game for entertainment, that is how it should be viewed. Most professional players care about one person, themselves. I am not talking about not having team mentality, they need that to win, wins means more money in their pocket. The way I see it is that this is a job and most are looking to keep it. My son is a team player, likes his teammates but he cares what is best for him to get ahead and not the guy who may replace him. This is not HS or college.

AROD has made a lot of mistakes growing up, has a coach who most likely understands and can relate to him better and won't take ****, but you can never take away his talent.
JH, I understand your point. However, steriods were just one of several reasons I listed that makes me dislike A-Rod. Steroids is just the one topic that sparked most of the conversation on here. I know he's a tremendous talent, I don't dispute it. I'm just saying he appears to me to be a world class jerk. And no, it's not just two bad games, it's every post-season up until now. He batted below .200 during the 2005 and 2006 post-season. His wikipedia page has an entire section documenting and discussing his lack of clutch play. His former manager, Joe Torre, in his book said he was referred to by teammates as "A-Fraud".
Not a big deal what I think, just voicing an opinion that I think many share. I don't want to see that guy get a ring.
I have to agree with JH and Coach May also. Stop all this whining about ARod and steroids and all the rest. If you think the game is still dirty and that bothers you, why watch it? If you think the highest paid players are still cheating,why turn on the tube?

How many players in all professional and amateur sports are currently taking HGH? You probably cannot count that high. Gentlemen and ladies, we cannot reinvent the wheel. This is a game we love. Either you accept it for what it is, or you find another outlet for yourselves until the sport meets your standards.
What about Ryan How-roid?

Large as a house that hits long balls?

You do assume he's on the juice too, right?

0-4 and 4 strikeouts against Burnett isn't exactly lighting it up either

Good point, Zombywolf. I would just argue that Howard has never to my knowledge been linked to steroids, much less an admitted user like Alex. Also, the big chubby guy physique is not what I picture when I think "steroid user". He, Prince Fielder, CC Sabathia don't fit the profile, IMO. But I'm not a doctor, I just play one on the internet! Wink
GW, you truly are remarkable. In the midst of watching my country being turned into something the founding father's woundn't even recognize, you manage to brighten everyone's day with a wonderful sense of humor and an A+ for creativity! Many thanks.

BTW, an original of that Tin Box Tiddly Winks complete set, with the 20 page Historical Handbook (of course) is probably worth more than my car.
Last edited by itsrosy
Originally posted by fsmjunior:
Originally posted by J H:
A-Rod opinions put aside, I am very disappointed with this forum. As a player, what frustrates me more than ANYTHING else is people assuming people are on steroids simply because they are bigger and stronger. Just because some fools decided to take illegal drugs to make themselves better at the game doesn't instantly mean every single person does it. It infuriates me when I hear "yeah well, he's not really that good, he's just juicing."

The accusations here of a player being on steroids...just far beyond what I expected from people who I think of as good baseball minds.

Whether A-Rod is a good man or a bad man, he's a hell of a talent. And I am not personally a A-Rod fan, but the guy had two bad games. TWO. Give him a little break and let him play.

With A Rod it is not a "just because" accusation... he admitted it.

The guy is a complete jerk!

Oh he is a jerk? You know A Rod personally? He may have done some things wrong but does that make him a jerk? You are just making yourself sound ignorant.
Joe Buck is the most disgustingly anti-Yankee piece of garbage who can't call a game properly. During Arod's homer, he was talking about something else while the action was going on. It wasn't the first time he did this during covering games Yankees played in.

He was in denial the cammera hit eas just a judgement call and not clear cut the ball hit the camera.

Buck also said media should get on Girardi for pulling Hughes. I thought Hughes might stay in one more batter with a 3-run lead since Moe pitched 2 lomg innings last nite, but Girardi wasn't screwing around and Moe got the call to close it. It was as if Buck was just upset Moe was coming in because he figured Hughes would cough up the lead.

For a national broadcaster, this guy is a pure amateur who only got the job because his old man, a Cardinal shill got him in the biz.

At least if they're gonna get a national broadcaster, get a professional in there who can call it and not some pinhead who uses it as his forum to get his digs on the Yankees at every chance.

Great win by the Yankees. Maybe a distraught Buck will jump off the Walt Whitman tonight to end the pain.
Last edited by zombywoof

Did I hear you correctly Mr. zombywoof sir?

You are suggesting a distraught Buck should leap off of me?

To end his pain?


What the Buck? I suppose I could work a strange Buck in somewhere....



    by: Walt Whitman (1819-1892)

Passing stranger! you do not know how longingly I look upon you, surely I am crazy.

You must be he I was seeking, or she I was seeking, (it comes to me as of a dream, or crackling through the air on a communication device yet to be discovered.)

I have somewhere surely lived a life of joy with you, unlike many of those viewing the series.

All is recall'd as we flit by each other, fluid, affectionate, chaste, matured, bored.

You grew up with me, were a boy with me or a girl with me, but certainly not a Yankee fan with me.

I ate with you and slept with you, your body has become not yours only nor left my body mine only, sort of like a gaudy chromed hood ornament...whatever that is.

You give me the pleasure of your eyes, face, flesh, as we pass, you take of my beard, breast, hands, in return, if only your viewers felt the same.

I am not to speak to you, I am to think of you when I sit alone or wake at night alone, except on those nights when one of those communication devices gets smacked squarely by a baseball.

I am to wait, I do not doubt I am to meet you again, for the series is only three games old.

I am to see to it that I do not lose you, but if you don't jump soon I will indeed give you a shove!


And just so you know Mr.zombywoof a result of your post and the researching I did to respond I found out a great deal about ol' Walt that I did not it up!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by seth:
Originally posted by fsmjunior:
Originally posted by J H:
A-Rod opinions put aside, I am very disappointed with this forum. As a player, what frustrates me more than ANYTHING else is people assuming people are on steroids simply because they are bigger and stronger. Just because some fools decided to take illegal drugs to make themselves better at the game doesn't instantly mean every single person does it. It infuriates me when I hear "yeah well, he's not really that good, he's just juicing."

The accusations here of a player being on steroids...just far beyond what I expected from people who I think of as good baseball minds.

Whether A-Rod is a good man or a bad man, he's a hell of a talent. And I am not personally a A-Rod fan, but the guy had two bad games. TWO. Give him a little break and let him play.

With A Rod it is not a "just because" accusation... he admitted it.

The guy is a complete jerk!

Oh he is a jerk? You know A Rod personally? He may have done some things wrong but does that make him a jerk? You are just making yourself sound ignorant.

We say repeated how small the baseball community is. I live in FL, and as most others on here have, my son has played all over the state with countless people. THere are a ton of players and ex-players that live in FL w kids my sons age. Do I know him personally? No. Have I met people who do or have known him personally? Yes. DO I know some front office folks with a couple of teams? Yes.

A-Rod is well known to be a jerk. A-Rod is well known to be about A-Rod. Seth, I am many things, fortunately ignorant is NOT one of them!
Originally posted by TPM:
ARod looks like Arod has always looked.

My son just turned 24 and body still maturing, he is far more larger and bigger than he has ever been, does that we are to assume he takes something to achieve those results?

This series has been all about the pitching, HR's come when pitchers make mistakes, happens to everyone. Can't blame him for not producing.

Arod's reported physical stats entering baseball in 1993...

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190 lbs

Arod's reported physical stats today...

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 230

Men do mature and grow somewhat larger...but steroids do help...
Shame on you, are you suggesting that all players that mature into their bodies are helped by the use of steroids.

In 2004 so went off to college at almost 18, about 6'3" and 190, today at 24 he is a tad shorter than 6'4" and about 220-225.

ARod has admitted his use, doesn't excuse what he did, but don't generalize that because players gain added weight.
Originally posted by TPM:
Shame on you, are you suggesting that all players that mature into their bodies are helped by the use of steroids.

In 2004 so went off to college at almost 18, about 6'3" and 190, today at 24 he is a tad shorter than 6'4" and about 220-225.

ARod has admitted his use, doesn't excuse what he did, but don't generalize that because players gain added weight.

No 'mam I am not suggesting that at all about your son...didn't even cross my mind...I was only implying this about Arod.
zombywoof, Hey, I'm a Cub fan so anything related to the Cardinals burns me anyway. I'm not a Joe Buck fan, or a Chip Caray fan while we're at it. But their Dads, Jack Buck and Harry Caray are both in the HOF, and both were great announcers, unique in style and left millions of fans in the cities where they worked. Do not blame the Fathers for the sins of the sons.
Originally posted by Coach Waltrip:
Originally posted by TPM:
Shame on you, are you suggesting that all players that mature into their bodies are helped by the use of steroids.

In 2004 so went off to college at almost 18, about 6'3" and 190, today at 24 he is a tad shorter than 6'4" and about 220-225.

ARod has admitted his use, doesn't excuse what he did, but don't generalize that because players gain added weight.

No 'mam I am not suggesting that at all about your son...didn't even cross my mind...I was only implying this about Arod.

I must be confused, you indicated that a 40 pound weight gain over 16 years indicates he is a steroid user, mine gained that in less time, so according to your post, all players making a weight gain use steroids to do so.

What you are implying by his use is that, if you want to look and play like AROD, use steroids, not a good thing for a coach to post on a HSBBW.
Last edited by TPM

Bonds was another example of how weight gain can occur by using steroids...but, I did say that men gain weight naturally as related at the end of my original post...

'Men do mature and grow somewhat larger...but steroids do help...'

Why would I suggest illegal use of steroids by your son or anyone else's for that matter by a natural gain in weight by this statement accompanied with photos of Arod?
Originally posted by Coach Waltrip:

Bonds was another example of how weight gain can occur by using steroids...but, I did say that men gain weight naturally as related at the end of my original post...

'Men do mature and grow somewhat larger...but steroids do help...'

Why would I suggest illegal use of steroids by your son or anyone else's for that matter by a natural gain in weight by this statement accompanied with photos of Arod?

You tell me, you showed two pictures of him then and now, suggesting his weight gain could be due to steroid use. So that must mean to you, that anyone who has shown a significant weight gain might be using.

40 pounds over 16 years is not a significant weight gain. And he didn't shring when he stopped, like others do, which meant the use was very minimal.

Do you have any clue how hard most players have to work to maintain that muscle weight?

Do you get that?
What you are implying by his use is that, if you want to look and play like AROD, use steroids, not a good thing for a coach to post on a HSBBW.

Now I'm confused...I am not condoning it or encouraging steroid use. In fact I have a section discussing drug use in my playbook.

I don't know where your pulling all these assumptions about my post from...

I explained my post and I'm going to let it go now...

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