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Traditionally, opposite fielder takes the bag.  RHH second covers.  Many factors can come into play.  Velocity of your pitcher, skill of the middle infielders, and batter.  Very frustrating as a fan and coach when the fielder is late to the bag to receive the throw.  It happens WAY to often in my opinion.  The middle infielders should be communicating with each other every time there is a runner at first.  You are late if you are not in front of the bag with your feet set to receive the throw. 

RHH up, Middle infielders are playing their standard DBL play depth.  Which I like a little depth and pinch up the middle.  Distance from the bag is dependent on the speed and reaction time of the individual fielders.  No matter how far off the bag the fielder is playing, he should always be able to beat the runner and throw to the bag AS LONG AS he is anticipating a steal every pitch. 

The 6th tool is knowing what might occur and reacting when it does before the pitch is ever thrown.  Never mentally take a pitch off and you will be ahead of most on the field.  

What age?  Younger ages, always the SS....because he is your best IF and has the best chance of 1)catching the ball 2)holding onto the ball 3)knowing that he has to tag the runner, not just step on 2nd 4)tag the runner 5)not drop the ball

HS, in most cases we did the our 2B wasn't the quickest kid and if he didn't see the runner right away, might not even get to the bag in time.  Also left the 2B in the hole if (though infrequent) the batter was good enough to hit behind the runner


The correct approach is that it varies depending on the pitch selection. Typically, with a fastball, the SS will cover. If the pitch is offspeed, the 2nd baseman will cover under the assumption that the ball will be pulled if in play. If you watch the SS & 2nd B put their gloves up to cover their mouth after the sign is given by the catcher, they are verifying who will cover depending upon the pitch called by the catcher. One will open his mouth, the other will close so they are on the same page. They shield with the glove so they don't tip the pitch to the hitter. 

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