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This old married couple were driving down the road one day, the old feller behind the wheel, his wife of 40 years on the opposite side of the car. They pulled up beside a pickup truck. Behind the wheel was a young man, and under his right arm, snuggled up against him, was his young girlfriend. It was obvious they were in the new stages of love, not wanting to be separated for one moment. Well, The little old lady looked at the young couple, then looked at the other side of the car at her husband. Finally, she said, " You know, we used to be like that," in kind of a accusatory tone. The old man pondered this for a moment and then looked back at her and said, "Well, I haven't moved."
"What is life, after all, but a challenge? And what better challenge can there be than the one between the pitcher and the hitter." Warren Spahn
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