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I have seen repeated references to long toss and running as the recommended workouts for pitchers. We have had a debate of late concerning exactly what is meant by long toss. Is long toss by way of simply reaching back and throwing ala an infielder or outfielder might do for long distances sufficient, OR is the pitcher supposed to somewhat simulate the wind up type motion in doing extended distance throwing. As a function of logic, I think that the proper way would be a simulated throwing motion as a pitcher would ordinarily use, only for longer distances, but others has said that is not necessary. Feedback on this issue would be welcome.
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I agree with BHD. Long toss is as the name implies and not “long pitching”. Long toss is a generic routine used for all positions but I admit I have also seen some position players modify their long toss to make it fit their position at times. Outfielders will crow-hop and catchers will occasionally do their special footwork and practice their transfers but for the most part it is just an arm strength builder. Actual pitching mechanics are very critical. I think I would discourage the “pitcher specific” movements while long tossing simply because the lack of mound height and the increased distance could modify their delivery mechanics when they pitch.

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