Originally posted by Emanski's Heroes:
How do umpires typically become umpires if they don't attend a pro school? Are there smaller "schools" for amateur umpires? Or is it more Saturday morning crash courses by local veteran umpires?
Typically, local associations either have a member or members who have received professional training or have access to former professional umpires who help train their new recruits in mechaics and rules.
The number of professional and collegiate two day, three day, and five day camps has grown tremendously in the past fifteen years.
Add to that the increase in communication brought on by the internet which has increased both the understanding of the rules and the desire for training. It was almost unheard of 30 years ago, for an amateur umpire to go to pro-school for just self improvement. Today, both proschools count those umpires to make their nut.
Overall, there are more competent amateur umpires today than, say 30 years ago, and the level of competence is higher.
When I first started working college ball in the late 70's many got their start at that level by being a fairly good HS umpire who had a friend who had a friend. Amateurs got to work as MiLB fill-ins because the had some connection to an adminsrator at a local ball club.
Not so much anymore. First, most MiLB leagues will no longer uses anyone as a fill in who did not attend proschool. Secondly, college assigners either produce or at least attend "NCAA" oriented camps to get a look at upcoming talent.
The process at one such camp is that if a newbie shows up and demonstrates promise, he'll be told just that...he has promise and will be considered down the road. The assigners then wait to see if he shows up the next year. If he does, and still looks good, he'll get a few games to see how he handles himself. IF he acquits himself well, the next year he'll get more games and could get a "full" schedule.
I love hearing people bemoan that umpiring is not as good as it used to be. He11, the kids starting out today are twice the umpire any of us over 50 were when we started.