Some great hitters long strides, some had short strides.......And, in-between strides......
Cobb had a pretty fair ........Ot hitters had grips......
Some great hitters had an foot when stridng, some had when striding.....
Some great hitters hadthroughs and some had throughs......
Yet, many of you consider some o things as in hitting technique......
MLB hitters get t the ball more consistently and withamateur hitters.....Great MLB hitters do efficiently.......It's about and power......Explosive quickness and power.....Some hitters can it with what most Coaches considerswing technique.......IOW, technique which some of their absolutes......
It is important to know at least a little about the a MLB swing to understand body in swing.......This is better learned from someone models which show these things......Understanding is is understanding......
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