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Missed the point.......

free and clear of ALL encumbrances Cool

And remember, college is for getting a degree, as many keep preaching here, and not a launching pad to Pro baseball.

Or is it?

We had the discussion before, and as a CPA, we are trained to notice the muddy waters and work within the muck if necessary while displaying the black and white of it all.

So much for gray areas, if you follow what I am saying?

The fact is the vast majority of college baseball players can and do get to college on their own merit, so why group yourselves with the football and basketball braniacs...........for an application FEE..........?????? Best to keep it all separate.
Last edited by OLDSLUGGER8
Originally posted by dannyp:
just a quick update, my son has received two calls from BB coaches in the last 2 days from two different colleges that he has applied to. Both of these schools (D2) are very interested in him, have asked for SS#'s and are looking into his applications. One coach has already called back tonight, and his coming to see my son next week.
His HS transcripts, letters of recommendations, and gpa are fine for these schools. His Sat's ( which were on the low side) have no bearing on him playing ball at either school.
Florida Baseball Guy...thanks for your interest.

thats great
My son had the grades and test scores to get admitted on his own to his future university, but we welcomed the help of the coaching staff in communicating with the admissions office. Through this process, son's admissions application was expedited and we had an answer in 3 days. Who would want to wait weeks or months when they can find out much more quickly?
Last edited by Infield08
by OS: Missed the point....... free and clear of ALL encumbrances Smile

unencumbered my butt!
OS you've missed the boat, train, and airplane all at once

whatever avenue taken for admissions YOU are "encumbered" for life (& maybe longer if probated)

your dinner and naps will be interupted forever by phone calls from students and alum soliciting funds ...

a small forest will be lost on letters and brochures updating old projects, detailing new projects and the current fundraising effort ...

you'll receive detailed legal explanations of how to add them to your will, set up endowments & trust funds, or to fund an entire project

oh, did I mention the season tickets? (all sports)
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by dannyp:
My son was just accepted to a University here in New York. He has already spoke to the head coach there and will be attending his camp starting next week. Here's the problem, he did not score well on his SAT's (took them twice), but has an 84.5 gpa, is on honor roll, has many letters of recommendation. Since his SAT's were low, they accepted him into the general studies program which states that is not eligible to play ball the first year, that he can be red-shirted. We have called his admissions counselor and the coach and are requesting that he be re-evaluated. Does anyone thing there is any hope?? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. He has applied to other schools here in New York, and we're still waiting to hear from them. He is a RH pitcher, 6'5" and is throwing very high highs, has hit low 90's.
Thanks for any suggestions.

alot of schools don't even use the SAT's anymore - alot of good schools.....if he throws low nineties, should be able to find a baseball program and a good school that doesn't use SAT's.
Hi all... Just wanted to thank everyone here for all the information and support I have received regarding my son. While the first school choice did not work out because of the lower SAT score ( even though they offered him athletic money for his sophmore year) he's decided to accept a very generous offer from his second D2 school. He should be receiving his NLI today to sign. He is very excited about this next journey in his life, and will be starting his college ball experience this fall. Again, thank you...and special thanks to TRhit for all his advice.

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