Almost inevitably when someone has lost the ability to throw a baseball accurately, there’s been some kind of timing issue that’s impacted mechanics, and as anyone who’s ever played the game knows, it doesn’t take much to screw up throwing with precision. I know it sounds hokey, but going back to basics will in most cases solve your problem, or at least get you close to where you were before.
And when I say basics, I mean basics. Start with playing catch with someone, using the basic throwing fundamentals. You know the one where you and your throwing partner start out at about 15’ apart, step right at your partner, hitting him dead center in the chest, then following through. Once you can do that consistently, change targets based on where your partner holds his glove. Once that’s down pat, move apart another 10’ and start all over again. After you’ve gotten out to about 90’, start all over again, but this time from the crouch. I’m guessing it won’t take much more than a half hour to see a whole lot of progress and get your confidence back.
Just don’t go to the next step unless the one you’re on is really solid.
Good luck!