My son is a 2022. The plan was to take both the ACT and SAT and see if we could determine if he performed noticeably better on one or the other. If so, he would then focus just on one as he put in the preparatory work to maximize his score as an early Senior. He hasn't taken the SAT yet, but he just made a 24 on the ACT. I'm a little disappointed, but he has to work with what he has. I am assuming there is some expectation of the score going up a little just by virtue of him getting a year or 2 older and having covered more of the material in his classes that he sees on the tests. I also would think going through a tutoring course designed for the particular test would yield some minor improvement. Would you suggest any changes to the approach he is taking regarding the tests?
On another note, should he even put a 24 out there for recruiters to see?