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You might be having a bad season when Juan Pierre has a slugging percentage .050 points higher than you, .327 to .277.

You might be having somewhat of an off season when your weight is higher than your slugging percentage.

You might consider it a bad slump when Mario Mendoza of the famous Mendoza Line is a synonym for a batting average 41 points ABOVE what you just hit.

This season was historic in its ugliness. And the really bad thing is that this was just the first year of the contract! No one in the history of baseball has fallen off a cliff so drastically during a full season of play without a major injury. Oh well, only one way to go and that's up...maybe.
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LOL, yes that is ugly!

I look back at last year and Adum Dunn was one of the bright spots on the Nats. I was hoping the Nats would keep him. I'm not sure what caused his decline at White Sox so quickly. Could it be American League pitching? His hitting coach? Or that he was unmotivated after signing a huge 4 year $56M contract? It is kinda looking like the latter.

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