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The son has excelled in all stages of his early baseball career. He just landed the on the JV team and he is now the leadoff hitter and Starting CF as a Frosh. He is excited but he didn't have alot of luck batting leadoff and sometimes is a bit confused at the plate. I was wondering If I can get some tips from everyone here and a bit of support. He won the Best Hitter award as an eightgrader on his Freshman team and has always batted 3rd or 4th in the lineup. He is an excellent baserunner and smart on the basepaths. So hence him being the leadoff hitter and catalyst of the team.

Thanks, and good luck to all of you guys this year! Have FUN!
- "Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don't, then you are wasting your time on Earth"." - Roberto Clemente
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I have a few ideas to help him succeed in the leadoff spot, at least increase his chances a bit.

1. Since he is the first batter of the game, try and have him watch the opposing pitcher any chance he gets while he's warming up.

2. Have him realize, really focus, on his number one goal. To become a baserunner! I know, sounds simple but I think he'll benefit from being in the right frame of mind when he steps into the box.

3. Provide him many opportunities to stand in the box during bull-pen work, and call out balls and strikes. Pitch recognition is vital to any hitter.

4. Ensure he really understands how to work the count...what pitch to look for when way ahead or way behind!!

Just a couple of the more obvious tips but maybe they can help!! Congratulate him on his accomplishment from all of us at HSBBW!

I would just tell him to understand that he is probaly only going to lead off once a game and its no big deal. Every coach has a different idea of what they want out of their lead off hitter. Some want them to work the count , see what the pitcher has etc etc. Me all I want is for him to set the tone for the game. Sit on first pitch fb and mash it. Let the pitcher know right away that he is not going to be able to get ahead on us by throwing a first pitch fb for a strike at least not today. Other than that just get on base and have some fun. I would take the mental thing away from him and say "Hey its no big deal your leading off man. Your only going to be the first hitter one time today. Just get up there and make sure you hit a strike and find a way to get on. And have some fun boy".
Nice post Coach May. I agree with what you said 100%. We've had the same lead off hitter on our summer team for 7 years, and for the most part, as he goes, so does the rest of the team. He's there to set the tone and get on base, make things happen, and score some runs. He should (and does) lead the team in walks, OBP and runs scored.
baseball bum, ill share what i do and i am a leadoff hitter. i start out crowding the plate as much as i can until the pitcher throws a strike. for example, the first pitch is a strike then i back off the plate and still try to work the count but i will swing if its a good pitch. if the first pitch is a ball then i still crowd the plate for the second pitch. this has worked very well for me. i accually got the idea from watching the CWS. the centerfielder for Tulane a couple years back (nathan something) did this and he was good so i decided to do it.
I believe that all hitters should learn how to be a lead off hitter because the #1 guy in the lineup rarely leads off other than in the first inning---let me give you an example why even though I think I have used it before

I took a HS player on my travel team to one of my sons summer league games( my son was in college)---my son hit third in the lineup and was their power guy but he also had great footspeed---we get to the last inning and my son is up first, leading off---score 2-1 us---he swings for the fences on the first pitch which in turn backs up the infield---next pitch he drops a bunt and beats it our uncontested---he then steals second, third and home and they are up 3-1 going into the bottom of the inning---they win 3-2---the HS player with me was confused as to why my son bunted instead of swinging away sinde he hot in the #3 slot--I asked him who led off the inning--he said your son--what is the job of the lead off hitter other than to get on base and get something started which he did---case closed

Interesting aside---before the game my son told me this game is mine---I guess he meant it---he drove in a run , scored the winning run and made a catch in the bottom of the last inning to save the game

It is all about understanding the game and what your role is in a certain situation=== not too many kids understand that
Last edited by TRhit

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