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I am a relative "Newbie to this board but have been around baseball as a coach or parent for a 30+ years.  I have found the responses here to provide sound advice on a very wide range of topics including playing time, politics, horrible unfair coaches, blind umpires, soccer players moonlighting as baseball scouts and how to get grass stains out of white game pants...O.k. I did make one of those up but you'll have to hang around long enough to figure out which one...I heard someone state that the responders were "Tough on newbies" and it occurs to me there are some reasons for that assertion so this is my honest assessment on how to be respected and engaged positively on this forum:

  1. When writing your post people cannot see you or clearly identify your motive so try to be clear.
  2. When asking  questions provide all pertinent information that a responder would need to place themselves at the game and in the situation
  3. Remember most posters have seen hundreds if not thousands of ball players ranging from HS, College, and all levels of the pros.  This means that if you believe your situation is unique and no one can understand it you are starting from a bad premise.
  4. If you are asking a question but deep down have already decided that a coach, school, scout or the universe at large has it out for you the potential for you to be satisfied with an affirming warm or fuzzy response is rather slim.
  5. Most posters have seen players with tons of heart and marginal talent have satisfying and successful baseball careers through hard work and a love of the game.  Because of that they are fiercely opinionated when it comes to the concept of blaming others whether it is the coach, school, parent or scout. Life and baseball is about overcoming obstacles both real and imagined.
  6. The forum seems to really get that baseball is about more that baseball it is about life.  I have heard support, compassion, encouragement and tough love during my short time here.  I have heard fathers and mothers encouraged to exhort their children to take responsibility for communications with coaches about hard stuff like playing time and fairness and not because it is easy but because they will grow to become better more capable young men.   
  7. The posters seem to know that parents love their children but often have difficulty in assessing their true potential as well as where they fit on a team.  As an example the comment was made earlier that numbers don't lie...sure they do...especially in baseball. Weakly hit balls find holes and flares drop while rockets find gloves.  Over a pro season of 500AB these usually even out but in a shortened HS season a player can bat .250 while squaring up 6 out of 10 and a player can hit .450 while squaring up 1 out of 10. This is why coaching is so difficult.  every parent is an amateur scorekeeper and wonders why Johnny is sitting batting .325 and Billy is playing when he is only hitting .200.
  8. And finally, don't take responses too personally unless you will benefit from doing so.  People are not trying to make you feel bad or ruin your day but if they disagree with you they will share that.  If you can learn from it great if you can't there is probably no need to argue about it.  Unless you are bringing new facts to the situation or clarifying something (See number 2) trying to change someone's opinion has the same affect as trying to teach a pig to dance.  It embarrasses you and annoys the pig...

I have had a great time reading and exchanging thoughts here and I think all newbies who are respectful and willing to look in a mirror will have the same positive experience. 

Last edited by MDBallDad
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Wow.  I don't know if I have enough "street cred" on HSBW to do this, but I believe I would nominate this as an "Instant Classic".  Very nice work, MDBD.  If not an Instant Classic, perhaps we can ask the administrators to make this required reading before registering as a new member.  The ONLY thing I would add as item 9. is...


9. Please utilize the "Search" function at the top left on the site.  While we enjoy every opportunity to express our opinions and welcome most dialogue and discourse, chances are pretty high that any new topic or question may well have been covered at length and, perhaps recently, on the site.  Even if it wasn't covered in a recent thread or post, much of the knowledge and wisdom here stands the test of time ("Bum" comes to mind; I read almost everything he posted over the course of 10 or so years before I started to jump into dialogue).  So, use the "Search" like "Google", and you may just save yourself and others a lot of time.

Last edited by BucsFan

Very well done!


Maybe I would add... Baseball is a team game that is played by individuals.  As you move up, the team changes, and sometimes the individual has to adjust.  Advice can be helpful at times, but the same advice to everyone can't possibly be good advice to everyone.  The advice handed out could be bad advice for that individual's situation.


And always remember this bit of "advice"... Being a good person is much more important than being a good baseball player.  There is nothing wrong with being both.

Great post. No one is here to play "gotcha." But you will see some things where you don't agree. The worst thing people do is come here looking for confirmation on their tainted (by love of their kid) position. On a board like this there can be so many experiences none of the responses are wrong. But somewhere in there is the right one for a given situation. 

MDBallDad - very much enjoyed your take.


Advice is context-dependent.  The better you can relate what the circumstances are, the better the advice or perhaps the more relevant the advice.  I agree with PG - there is no one size fits all but there are some things that transcend individual situations.  One of my favorite pieces of advice is let your actions and not your words do the talking for you.  At the end of the day, people have to make their own decisions on what's best for them.  The message board cannot decide these things. 



Great post and I really like the list.  Message boards are only as good as the background, situational data and goals provided by the poster and the experience and wisdom of the board.  This board happens to have a lot of great people who really want to help and support each other and genuinely love baseball.  It has been that way for some time and that is why I keep coming back.  


As for the "rough on newbies" reputation, I think that time has passed and we can retire that moniker.  These are different times IMHO..

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