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My reply was not meant to be negative to your post, I felt that PG and CM gave good explanations, I was just adding to the discussion, many come here asking advice after a scout visit or a contact from an agent, the dream begins to look like reality.

Reality is, that does not mean that player will be drafted. I hope that people understand that, no matter how strong the desire is. As in the case of son. Now don't get me wrong, he had a pre draft offer a few weeks before the draft and said no thank you. His college commitment was much stronger, no one really wants to draft you if you have already said no thank you.
Actually not sure of your post, but son did not get drafted out of HS and now going into his 4th year of professional ball. Some issues have set him back, but he still is determined, like most young men to get to MLB. I think the reality for most is that milb is NOT MLB. Each step of the way, you get a taste of what it may be like at the top, little things, better pay, someone carries your luggage, better food, better hotels and better buses. It helps to fuel the dream.
My son, like all of our sons has lived the dream to play professional ball at the highest level. He also had a very strong dream to play baseball on the cape and play in Omaha. He did both, he also helped to win an ACC conference championship, he had a great ride in college, and to this day he will tell you he would never trade it for anything, even being a little late if he ever gets to the show.
The advice given here has been excellent, about an advisor, and I thank PG for giving his personal birds eye view of his take on advisors/agents which is what this is about, beleive it or not, I had to ask him many years ago his opinion and he was very helpful.

As far as a scout telling you that a player doesn't need an advisor until AA.

iitg has given a good example that you do not need an agent to get drafted.
Last edited by TPM
Gamer I agree with you 100% but that should not surprise you one bit.

My son could have been drafted if he was willing to agree to sign
for a certain amount of money. It was no where near enough to keep him from doing what he has wanted to do since he was 9 years old. He may never get another opportunity to be drafted. But he also would have never had the opportunity he now has if he had agreed. He is 100% confident that he is going to be playing baseball for many more years. I have no idea really myself. All I know is if you dont believe you can reach your dreams , reach your goals in life why would or should anyone else believe in you?

No advisor / agent can make your son a ball player. If he does not have the ability to play at the next level then no agent / advisor can do anything about that. My posts were simply based on my own experiences. I only posted it to give others some insight on my experiences. Maybe it helps someone. Maybe it helps no one. Either way nothing is certainly lost other than my time for posting it.

I think this has been a good thread. And PG post comes from a guy with a wealth of experience in all of this. TPM's comes from someone who has been there and doing it. And Its son is a perfect example of a player being the person that matters.

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