A tough extra-inning loss in the regional this weekend...followed by a non-tap in the mlb draft yesterday...leaving the Price household in a little state of melancholy at the moment. I was doing fair until I got his text after the draft ended..."I thought I was good enough."
Zach's passion for what he does and wants has been an inspiration for many these past few years. One of those passions, since he was 8, was to be a pro baseball player. It appears the discipline and drive that has led to some nice accomplishments & records at Army (ending in 1st Team Academic AA this past weekend) will now be more focused on whatever West Point graduates focus on.
I feel so bad for my kid this week, but so blessed and thankful for the people he's met, played with, marched with and been led by...and what the future holds for him.
Again, I would like to thank all on this board for the years of insight, knowledge, support and laughs.
May God bless each of you, and your kids.
[Btw, Vote for Zach! (Lowe's..until June 11) ]
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