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Hey I'm 14, 5'10 and 155 lbs. I've been lifting about 3 times a week trying to get faster/stronger for baseball and also to put on some weight for football in the fall. What should I be drinking/eating after lifting?
Should I be drinking any of those protein shake things? If so, which kinds? Thanks
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imbetween meals instead of chips try eating frozen dinners like pasta and chicken, shrimp with rice, etc. these are loaded with carbs and protein. and for breakfast mix whey protien kiwis, strawberries, and pineapples, yogurt and about a half cup of milk. also freeze this smoothie and eat it like ice cream for desert after meals. hope this helps.
ok i am 16 without an income of my own, and my parents arent exactly rich. GNC, now there little smoothies and stuff might be good for you, but for a 14 year old kid. you start him on shakes that taste like **** now, he will be burnt out on this diet in two weeks tops. and i dont appreciate an adult coming on here and tryin to blow me out of the water. for your info ive gained 5 pounds of muscle and tone, eating those dinners (lean cuisine, heathy choice) and drinking whey protein that was 10 bucks a tub from walmart. when it comes down to it, its how hard you are willing to work in the weight room and on the field.

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