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I am bunking down with them as well as I am helping coach the team. What is your son's team name? We are the NH Dirt Devils. Our pins have the Tazmanian devil in a baseball uniform standing on the state on NH. WE have some select ones that have their eyes light up. I'll hold one for your son if you are coming out that week so he can add the cool one to his pin collection if you'd like.
We're the Fresno Blue Devils.
As far as I know we haven't "designed" our pins yet and I don't know if we're going to have any "special" pins. It would be totally cool to get one that lit-up. My son doesn't know what he's about to experience.
(I might have a 1984 Olympic corporate pin to trade with you; I'll have to look)

Go Devils eh??? lol All I'd want is a regular pin in return..doesn't need to be anything special. As we get closer to the date we can make sure we run into each other. Maybe the boys will play each other..that would be pretty cool. I just hope we have a DRY week. It has been horrible here in the Northeast..we've pushed our already too short season back two weeks due to snow and rain. It Stinks!!
Welcome plouffe13. I see this is your first post. Thanks for posting and best of luck to Tucker. It's good that you have found the HSBBW while your son is 12 years old. Lot of good information here that will help him (and you) in the near future. Not only can you learn a lot but you can also help others by sharing your experiences. Enjoy the ride.
BBfam's son Zach turned 14 yesterday (Monday). He spent the day pitching a 2-hitter in the quarter finals of the 14&U Southern California USSSA MLK Super NIT Qualifier and helping his team qualify for the Elite 24 this summer. He was voted most valuable Pitcher of the tournament as well. Now that's a pretty good birthday present!

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