I read with some interest, a recent thread of an apparent “agent” arguing with some veteran posters. I don’t know the history and I don’t go back to read a lifetime of posts but it did get me thinking.
Are agents good or evil? Keep in mind, my oldest is a freshmen in high school so I’m a long ways from ever really knowing the answer to this question. And, of course, the statistics show that I probably never will.
However, from a fan’s point of view I think I can see some positive attributes, but there is much more that worries me.
I fully understand that a 18-25 year old isn’t capable of understanding and negotiating a multi-million dollar contract. I wouldn’t even know what to do with that kind of money. Can I get free checks with an account that big? I’m sure the assistance an agent can provide here would be most valuable. OR is there another type of adviser that is preferable here?
However, I have become tired of reading about players who hold out for fractions of a million dollars. Yes, I know, $500k is a lot of money but for those of us who make less than $100K, it seems silly to dicker between $4.2 mil and $4.5.
I also cannot understand someone having a multi-year contract only to void it two years later in hopes of getting a better one. (I really like A-Rod but I don’t get it) I'm also tired of college football coaches not living up to their side of a contract.
Maybe I have my head in the sand but I just got a 3.5% raise on my measly five-figure salary and I was VERY happy to get it.
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