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Can’t help but tell what went on at our last game. The team has been really doing well so far this season, and it seems as though the more success the team has, the more a few of the more “aggressive” parents are beginning to go.

This is the 1st year of V ball for both teams, but its pretty obvious our guys have been prepared much better. Neither team has any Srs, but they have 2 Frs starting. We’re at home, it’s the bottom of the 3rd, and we’re winning the game 16-0. Our P’s are throwing a no hitter, and haven’t allowed even 1 ball out of the IF.

Our leadoff hitter in the 3rd gets his 3rd hit of the game, and the next batter hits a grounder to 2nd. The kid on 1st takes off for 2nd, the 2B fields the ball cleanly and flips to the SS. It was obvious there wasn’t gonna be a DP because it wasn’t a sharply hit ball at all, and the SS just caught the flip, touched the base for the force, then stepped back and stood there.

It ended up being a close play, but never that close, and never any doubt that the runner had no chance to beat the throw. All of a sudden one of our parents jumps up and starts shouting at our base runner, that he should have taken out the SS! I couldn’t believe it! Here’s this guy screaming for blood in a game like that!

I told him it was a good thing he didn’t do that because he’d very likely been popped for malicious conduct, been tossed, and then suspended. The guy actually got angry! He went on about how players can’t allow themselves to be soft, no matter what, and have to play the game the right way!

Standing right behind him was an ex-ML player of 13 years. I just looked at him, and we both shook our heads and shrugged our shoulders. Then he tried to tell the guy that it was wrong to just grind another team in the dirt for no good reason, let alone take a chance on purposely injuring another player. The guy told him that if the other team couldn’t field a better team, they deserved to be ground into the dirt!

Granted this was only one guy, but that kind of thing has a way of spreading like wildfire. Pretty soon we’re hearing parents on the other side hollering at their P to back guys off the plate and hit them if necessary. That causes a couple more of our parents to get involved and yell similarly stupid things. Thankfully the HPU came back and got everyone settled down, but for about 15 minutes things were really getting ugly.
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We have a very vocal group of parents. I will say they are not rude or mean, but very loud. At yesterdays game a player for our team runs to home plate from 3rd to score on a base hit. For some reason a mom and a grandmother (not related to the runner) yell out touch home plate (very loud and several times) as they thought he missed the plate. The player gives the ladies a look of I did touch the plate and the home umpire looks back at the two ladies and says "relax he did touch the plate". To top off the story, the other team hears the two loud ladies yelling touch home plate and thinking there is a play at home they throw home to try to tag out the scoring runner, the throw is low and gets by the catcher - runner that got the base hit and standing on first now advances to second on the throw. Do the ladies get an sacrifice yell for advancing the runner?

I sit on either the left or right field line away from and parents. IT WORKS. I enjoy the game better. I also keep score to keep myself busy.
Originally posted by 20dad:
if you really, really, want to enjoy a game sit in the outfield. it works.

Very true!

When I watch games at our local field, I sit in left center field, just beyond the fence. But when I’m scoring a game, that’s something entirely different, and if I’m the OSK, that’s even worse because ya gotta sit where the ump can pass you information or ask you questions if he needs to.
Originally posted by 20dad:
if you really, really, want to enjoy a game sit in the outfield. it works.

What they won't do for fun in Portsmouth...

I have no doubt that you enjoy sitting in the outfield 20dad...but at some point doesn't the umpire always ask you to move off the field?

"Sir...please have a seat off the field...away from the maddening crowd."
Last edited by gotwood4sale
odds are that kind of parent won't last long but a few do beat the odds Roll Eyes

Here’s this guy screaming for blood ... Standing right behind him was an ex-ML player of 13 years...
OK now ...
we'll call the x-ML guy "Paddy" then add a catholic priest, a rabbi, and a leprechan and see if GW4sale can't finish the story Big Grin Big Grin

Last edited by Bee>
You know 20dad...we considered investing in one of those Blue Moon time shares also...we thought we really smelled a winner...but we sat on it and pondered it for quite awhile...came to realize that we couldn't roll this one in...we eventually pooh poohed the idea and dumped it.

And Innocent...sue the city?

Which city...and for what?

Half Moon Bay, CA?...for not letting him and his full moon into town...even on St. Patrick's Day! At least his pipe isn't lit...that should more than make up the difference...don't you think?

And know...March is ColoRect@l Cancer Awareness Month...this guy is their poster boy.

Still green...with envy...Bum?

And Kupuna...welcome aboard the HSBBW...I'm also grateful that the baserunner had more sense and decency than the guy in the stands.

I can just imagine that guy at lunch...five cars back from the pick-up window at ahead and cutting off the car pulling ahead for their order...he snatches the bag from the startled clerk and furiously drives off...shaking his fist out the window with his index finger extended in the "I'm number 1 salute". And yelling something about "survival of the fittest...fool!"

I hope they got the order wrong.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by grateful:
In southern Ohio this weekend we had the scorekeeper of the opposing team repeatedly going to home plate to ask the umpire about the substituions we were making.

What do we have to do to keep the scorekeepers off the field?

I don’t know why the ump would allow that. I know I’d never set foot on the field, and don’t know any SK that would, unless they were keeping score in the dugout. But although the SK shouldn’t have been on the field, at least he was trying to do his job, so you have to give him credit for that.

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