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Baseball is a game where you can fail 70% of the time and be considered a good to great player. You can go 0-4 then have the game-winning hit in the last of the 9th. You can start the season 0-32 yet end the season with a .350 avg.

The frustration of this game is what makes it so beautiful to me.

However, it's is absolutely agonizing watching Bonds and A-Rod going for their special home runs. We can easily say that Bonds hits a home run every so many at bats. But that doesn't mean he hit one exactly on that time frame. He can hit 2-3 in a row and none for weeks.

Having Bud Selig follow him around is silly. Switching to the Giants game every Bonds at-bat is getting old. And watching Bonds family (is that his wife or girlfriend)sitting in the front row only makes things more tense.

BTW, very classy of his daughter booing and giving the 'L' for loser sign when her dad got walked showed true Bonds class.
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Originally posted by biggerpapi:
... very classy of his daughter booing and giving the 'L' for loser sign when her dad got walked showed true Bonds class.

Oh, c'mon now. It's all part of the fun. In this respect, I'm more with the masses.

I haven't decided which side of the argument I'm on. So, I'll just sit back and enjoy the show without a lot invested in it. That way I am not as worked up about it as some here seem to be. I can't do anything about Barry. I can only guide my son.

I agree with most of the rest of your post.
Last edited by infidel_08
Originally posted by BeenthereIL:
Papi....Don't get your "blasting" a little girl? What is up with that?

Not exactly "blasting." I'm reporting what I saw her do last night.

However, in her defense, while I don't condone that public behavior, this proves my point of how difficult it is to wait and wait and wait for this hallowed home run. Normally, 7 of 10 at bats are disappointments. Now they all are until he hits the big one.

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