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Planning on several trips this summer to showcases / camps. 

2022 used to have one of those big baseball bags that carried all his equipment and we'd just put that with the luggage, but now he only carries a big Nike duffel to games.

We've learned from 2015 that gloves, uniforms, and other necessities travel "with you" to avoid "accidental" misplacement by airlines.

That being said, are there small bat bags to carry 3/4 bats that you would then put in with normal luggage (because you can't take bats into the cabin, if I recall). 

Any help is appreciated.

“I don’t scratch my head unless it itches and I don’t dance unless I hear some music. I will not be intimidated. That’s just the way it is.”

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When we've traveled by air as a team, we have put everyone's bats into one bag, so as to save on the luggage fees. 

If the player is traveling solo, then yes there are a lot of options, but I would suggest that you could do something makeshift that would cost less for handling these rare situations.  Those portable folding chairs that everyone uses often come with zipper pouches that are just the right size.

BTW, I would suggest wrapping all bats in bubble wrap or similar for the journey.  Baggage handling can be quite rough, and bats can get damaged.

I've done this more times than I can count.  My son always carries his glove, spikes, jersey and hat with him.  Anything else can be replaced.  We used to put a few bats in a folding chair bag (like Midlo suggests) and check it, but now airlines hit you for $25 each way, so he now puts bats in his equipment bag.  His bag is 30" (max length is 36" so be careful or airlines may not take it) and the bats stick out one end.  Some airlines are fine with this but one airline told us they wouldn't check it because it was a safety issue (give me a break!).  He repacked his bag and fit them in diagonally and they took the bag.  Bottom line is each airline is different, there are no standard rules, and no one at the airlines give a rip that you've got a tournament on the other end.  Be flexible, allow extra time, and keep a wad of $20s in your pocket in case of emergency.

We always used a Boombah roller bag for all the bats, baseballs, cleats and catchers gear.  The boombah bag is pretty solid and sturdy.  All airlines will check this as regular luggage.  We would also always have a Nike smaller bag to show up with at the game or showcase instead of using the roller bag.  Carry-on backpack or luggage had the fielder's gloves, uniform, nutty buddy, and irreplaceable things.  His current college team has large carry zip up duffles that fit their bats, gear, regular street clothes and cleats.  Backpacks for laptop, textbooks, headphones and personal items.  

Son takes uniforms and gloves in his carry on usually a backpack or regular size duffle. His bats, spikes, helmet he packs in a bigger Rawings equipment bag that will zip with all bats completely inside. He also packs a regular smaller bat bag so he can just take what he needs to the field and not lug everything. 

We also fly Southwest frequently as first two checked bags are free so that helps. 

Last edited by BaseballFan2016

Goodwill Series has sent teams Internationally for 35 years. It is a definite requirement by the airlines that spike shoes are to be placed in the "checked" luggage. Australia customs require the shoes to be cleaned and "dirt" free. All bats are wrapped in the players socks.

Each player is responsible for marking his luggage with a ribbon, sticker, so he can see the bags from 40'. Domestically, depending on the airport, there maybe 8 planes landing in Atlanta, JFK, LAX, O'Hare at the same time.

Finding the luggage maybe difficult, 400 bags each plane, many are similar. Mark your luggage.


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