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I know that there is some information about the league on here if you search for it, but i was wondering if anyone had any updated thoughts. I know it is supposed to be one of the better leagues in the nation and some other things about it. Any kind of info or personal stories would help a lot. Thanks!
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I will never forget seeing Mickey Mantle scouting Alaskan League teams at Lawrence Dumont Stadium during the NBC World Series back in mid 1980s. Jim Leyritz(sp?) as well as a host of others were signed directly out of that tournament that year. The Alaskan teams stole the show that year from all the rest of the teams from all over the country who were fortunate enough to be there.

Would tell you all some more about my own experience but I keep thinking about that lady evangelist from MO named Joyce running around the stage like a wound up robot saying over and over> what about meee...what about meee...what about meee...what about meee
Last edited by Shepster
Originally posted by puma1:
Posted on the New England forum but got no response, so I'll try here. Speaking of summer leagues...any info on the N.Adams Steeplecats of the NECBL other than what I can find on their website? Son is playing there this summer and am just curious.

Our son played two summers in the NECBL. We never made it to North Adams but he said it is a long bus ride into the hills of Western Massachusetts.
The NECBL is a strong league that was initially organized, in part, by Fay Vincent. They try and emulate the experience of minor league baseball. Your son will play against top notch competition and will travel New England extensively. Most of the franchises are well established and very well run. Crowds at places like Newport RI are large, energetic and supportive. Games draw a lot of scouts and the league is one of the leaders in technology with internet broadcasts having been done for 4-5 years and now they are video streaming the games according to the site.
The league draws a lot of younger players from the ACC/SEC and also is now going heavily to West Coast schools especially Washington and Washington St.
Our son loved his two years in the league. The long bus trips can be tough but he says they really are just like what you get in minor league baseball. Let me know if I can answer more specific questions.

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