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I don't want to classify this as a "situation" or any controversy. It's not. I'm sure this happens in a lot of places, but it doesn't make sense to me.

The state of Nevada has their high schools broken into four divisions 1A-4A like basically everywhere else does. My brother(Jared, sophomore catcher)goes to a 2A school and this season they won the 2A state baseball championship.

Jared was named 1st team all-league catcher. They chose one of every position for first and second teams, then included a list of honorable mention players of various positions.

When it came down to choosing all-state teams they threw all the names in of the top 2A players in the state and selected what they viewed were the nine best players regardless of position and called that first team, then selected the next 9 and called that second team. Between the two teams Jared was the only catcher selected and he was the #10 pick which put him at the top of the second team list, with 0 first team catchers. I'm sure there were other positions not represented on the first team as well.

Just to be clear, I am not complaining. My brother was upset at first about it, but I explained to him that he was still selected as the best 2A catcher in the state and that he would have the opportunity the next two years to make first team. I know it isn't all that important, but when you're a kid it sure is.

I just think it is a little odd. It's like picking an all-league football team and selecting 8 quarterbacks, 2 offensive linemen, and a running back. It sounds nice, but it doesn't really work.

Anyway, what I was wondering is:

How are your all-league and all-state teams chosen?
(Best players or best players by position)

How do you think it ought to be chosen?
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Kudos to your son for being recognized.

You bring up a good argument but any process that involves highlighting an individual in a team sport that encompasses a diverse and large number of candidates will be scrutinized. In this case I see your point but I can also see where there is some purity in attempting to pick the top ten baseball players without assigning a particular position. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and a list of names is only a list of opinions.
Last edited by rz1
Its fashionable for people to say such things don't matter to them, but we all know it does.

I suspect that this "top 10 players" list primarily reflects player's batting averages/era's, with some added weight given to the level of competition and extra credit to player's from successful, distinguished programs (teams).

Note: Even when all-star teams are selected by position, its rare to see defense make much of a difference, because its impossible to judge feilding skills from a stat file....if you haven't seen a player on the feild.

Originally posted by rz1:
Kudos to your son for being recognized.

You bring up a good argument but any process that involves highlighting an individual in a team sport that encompasses a diverse and large number of candidates will be scrutinized. In this case I see your point but I can also see where there is some purity in attempting to pick the top ten baseball players without assigning a particular position. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and a list of names is only a list of opinions.

I agree with you. There is no perfect way to do it.

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