Just had a proud mom moment which I'd like to share.
We held our son's signing ceremony/party at the house yesterday. Invited 60 people from our baseball past. 50 guests attended, which is a few more than I anticipated! I was so proud to see an assortment of teachers, coaches, neighbors, teammates and friends who took the time to congratulate my son. It truly does take a village, even when you're raising a teenage boy who, at times, seems more like the village idiot!
My proud mom moment came when he actually signed and gave a little speech. He spent a good amount of time thanking his dad and I, and then went on to be very humble and thank all the rest of his guests who endured his ups and downs over the past 10 years. Not a moment of bragging or swagger, just the thanks he felt through all those years when he threw hard, but not always accurately! We didn't prepare a speech and didn't discuss what he planned to say. He spoke from his heart and made us all very proud.
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