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This is absolutely one of the neatest things I have seen...the intros of the HOF and then the starting positions at each slot.

One thing puzzles me...where was Joe Morgan?
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I agree.

I watched the introductions with my dad, and he said at least four different times "This is so cool." This from a man who is not much of a fan of the stuff outside these types of games. I think that he had a tear or two after they announced Yogi.

The only thing that comes close is the game in Boston when all the players gathered around Ted Williams.
Originally posted by JT:

One thing puzzles me...where was Joe Morgan?

LOL..Probably still sulking over the fact nobody cares about his Big Red Machine but they care about those 77&78 Yankees..That might've been too much for Morgan too handle in the Baseball Cathedral in The Bronx...ahahaha.....Where was Bench?....Hmm..
Last edited by zombywoof

I watched the introductions with my dad, and he said at least four different times "This is so cool." This from a man who is not much of a fan of the stuff outside these types of games.

Same thing at our house, but it was my old-school husband, who hates all the other non-game hoopla. He was totally riveted to the TV for the HOF intros.

We enjoyed the pregame, how much fun was it to see all of those HOFers in one place at the same time.

Some of our favorite players we watched often as kids at Yankee Stadium, brought back memories. I hope that someday my son can look back and watch those All Star players, stand on the field as HOFers.

What a battle, don't want to hear anyone comment that the NL with it's DH is a wussie league compared to AL. I enjoyed watching the players play for a purpose.
Last edited by TPM
There's nowhere else in MLB where the All-Star Game hoopla would capture the baseball fans when done in Yankee Stadium. They just do everything right. Same with old-timers day. Who else can parade out all those baseball greats of the past. There is spomething special when an event is hosted at Yankee Stadium.

Bringing out all those HOF'ers to their positions was great. Only in Yankee Stadium. What more can you say.

The only things missing were the Great Bob Sheppard who's not in great health, introducing the players only the way Sheppard can. Unfortunately, that part was a huge letdown by having a loser like Joe Buck do the intros. The right thing to do would've been was the Yankees current PA do the intros. Also, Ronan Tynan should've been doing the 7th inning stretch doing GBA instead of this other guy I never heard of. He was terrible.

Bringing out Steinbrenner was a great tribute to the one who built back the Yankee franchise from their dreaded days with CBS from those mid-60s to mid-70s.
Last edited by zombywoof
Being a baseball brat (dad (passed away) was an MLB trainer for 32 years), throughout the years, my dad was fortunate to have many of those players on his teams - he worked on them on his table, etc. (Giants, Phillies, Expos). I remember being little and watching them as they worked out on the field pregame, taking photos, being in winter baseball with some. Brought back many great memories to see them. Fantastic preshow IMHO.

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