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A friend of mine in Keller had 45 inches of water rush through her house the other night. It got me wondering, is that Coppell baseball field playable these days?

Just trying to find the lighter side of all this rain damage… I’ve lost count of all the games we have missed and it’s driving me crazy too. The last baseball we played was out of state and it looks like our next games will be too. If I find a dry local field, I promise to put out the word so we can all meet and play around the clock until we have had our fill.
Originally posted by Uncle Ethan:
????? What is "kitchen crazy"?

Kitchen Crazy is the opposite / reverse of the act and or action of getting a Kitchen Pass.

As in, I'm sitting in the kitchen playing on the instead of watching baseball and it is driving me crazy...I think my wife would also 1) like to see a game and 2) really like me to be out of the house.

Linedrive: The Coppell field is perfectly dry...of coarse if CHS had to play KHS it would be unplayable....then again the TCL Copperheads were rained out last night.
I worked on a field yesterday for quite a while in an attempt to help a friend play. I felt great being able to get it ready... then it rained on my party.. literally. Rained so much that the side walk flooded on the field infront of the third base dugout almost always to home plate. This is CRAZY. Gas is too expensive in California to move there! (OK everything is California is expensive... but it's dry!)
This weekend in San Antonio should be better weather but the fields are soaked right now and rain is in the forecast thru Friday. Isolated downpours are popping up 2-3 times a day all over the area.

Maybe by Friday will get some sun and dry things out a bit. We are heading to Houston this weekend and does not look good there either. Where will you will be playing in San Antonio.
Originally posted by MeatsDad:
Linedrive: The Coppell field is perfectly dry...of coarse if CHS had to play KHS it would be unplayable....

It must be dry from all the TV station helicopters hovering overhead. They came to catch the Keller booster club secretly working the field with their shop vacs…

It has rained so much that I have been reduced to reliving last season, and it’s only JULY!
It has gone down and my kids actually played in that same park a few days later - although a tad muddy. I too hope the damage is minimal. I do not think it was as bad as the one in '91 - I remember the bridge in Meridian being closed a lot longer that year than this one.

We drove to Clifton the day I took that picture and the river was up to Hwy 6 - it was definitely a scary sight. If you are familar with Meridian - the entire area where the annual cookoff is was compltely submerged.

The Meridian jail sits right on the edge of the flood plain and they had to evacuate the prisoners to Hillsboro as the water got up into the parking lot.
Originally posted by Long_Live_Baseball:
It has gone down and my kids actually played in that same park a few days later - although a tad muddy. I too hope the damage is minimal. I do not think it was as bad as the one in '91 - I remember the bridge in Meridian being closed a lot longer that year than this one.

We drove to Clifton the day I took that picture and the river was up to Hwy 6 - it was definitely a scary sight. If you are familar with Meridian - the entire area where the annual cookoff is was compltely submerged.

The Meridian jail sits right on the edge of the flood plain and they had to evacuate the prisoners to Hillsboro as the water got up into the parking lot.

Did it get into the cafe "Papa Docs" on the other side? I have eaten there many times.
Last edited by threeboysdad

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