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Heartbeat, It's a Love Beat by the Defranco Family.

Tie a Yellow Ribbon, Tony Orlando and Dawn

Proud Mary, Ike and Tina Turner--orginally a great song, ruined by Ike and Tina and then decimated by overplay at weddings, christenings, and bar mitzvahs.

Could add "Celebration" to the list for the reason mentioned above in connection with Proud Mary.

Mr. Big Stuff

Do Ya Think I'm ****
Since we're talking about personal grudges against bands/musicians (and freely acknowledging that many have a lot more money than we do, and a lot more talent), I will openly admit to really, really disliking everything by:

1) Stevie Wonder
2) Pearl Jam (I just want to punch Eddie Vedder in the face, but I don't even know why. What is that all about?)
3) Creed
4) Nickleback
5) Every wanna-be who comes along now and tries to sound like Creed or Nickleback.

Now where's that Eddie Vedder?.......
Last edited by Krakatoa
Oh my gosh, the memories this list is bringing back!

I admit that I would turn the radio station if most of these came on the radio NOW, but at the time the songs came out, they fit perfectly into junior high school slumber parties...high school dances...

But RJM, how can you start out with "If" by Bread, and then go on to trash "Julie, Julie, Julie do you love me?" by Bobbie the heartthrob Sherman???
Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

And Krak, you are dissing Stevie Wonder? Them's fightin' words!

And who is picking on "Hey Jude"? No way!!!

This list is fun. Lots of stupid songs!

(Julie, Julie do you love me)
Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by Krakatoa:
Since we're talking about personal grudges against bands/musicians (and freely acknowledging that many have a lot more money than we do, and a lot more talent), I will openly admit to really, really disliking everything by:

1) Stevie Wonder
2) Pearl Jam (I just want to punch Eddie Vedder in the face, but I don't even know why. What is that all about?)
3) Creed
4) Nickleback
5) Every wanna-be who comes along now and tries to sound like Creed or Nickleback.

Now where's that Eddie Vedder?.......

Krak-- Stevie? Aw man. That hurts. I can still remember riding home in my LL coach's car listening to Songs in the Key of Life. I guess that was probably 8-track. Ok, yeah, my coach turned out to be a homosexual pedophile, but that was good music. It's hard to separate that sometimes but it's still one of my favorite albums. Sorry you can't stand it.
All of those suggestions and no one has even tapped into the Cher catalogue yet?

"Half Breed"?

"Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves"?

Hey, who ragged on "Timothy" above? That has got to be the absolute best song about cannibalism ever to hit # 1. Also, the worst song about cannibalism ever to hit # 1.

I remember one we used to make fun of as a kid, "Run, Joey, Run!" By whom, I can't recall.

And young Donny Osmond's "Puppy Love" must have slipped some of your minds completely.

And finally, who could ever forget:

Originally posted by iheartbb:
The Bee or Gee (don't know his name) who begins the song strangely reminds me of a character on the Simpsons - sans hat and glasses - is it Homer's dad?
HMMMMMMM, I wonder??????


I think iheartbb meant a different Gibb. Is it Robin? Your pic of Barry doesn't look much like Abe...

How about The Hillside Singers' "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing "? I believe it made a Pepsi drinker out of me.
Last edited by infidel_08
Some of the songs/artists are some of my past favorites - how can you dish the Captain & Tennille and "Muskrat Love"? That was my childhood favorite! Let's also leave Shania Twain and Cher alone - they are in categories all by themselves!

I never could stand "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover".

In case you forgot the words - Oh no - now I've done it - I'll be thinking about this stupid song all day long!

"You just slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don’t need to be coy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free"
Last edited by curveball07

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