Hey, I am a newbie here. I have been reading the posts here for the last week, and I am really glad I found this great community.
My oldest son 2017 has been on a travel team for the past 4 years. The fall of 2014 he played many regular games, and played in 2 college showcase tournaments. The cost for this was $350- not too bad. However, this upcoming spring and summer, the team is a 100% college showcase team. There are 10 showcase tournaments. Perfect Game, Diamond Nation, and a few D1 Universities. With winter training we are being asked to pay $1950.00 Being paid in full by mid March. First tournament is the first week of June.
I am a little peeved that the coach just tells us last week about the price and payments.
Does this seem reasonable? 12-14 kid roster.
How much is the cost for a team to enter one of these college showcases?
I don't have a problem paying for my kids to play, but this seams excessive to me. In the itemized sheet we were given, the coach wants $350 from each player for his travel expenses,coaching, college list and recruiting development. The $1950 includes this cost. That's about $27,000 in fees for the team.
Please let me know what you guys think. I do plan on bringing him to a couple of the schools that he would like to attend for their recruiting baseball camps. Those camps are minimal in cost. $100-$125.
I am having a hard time with these fees from the coach and just want to know if you guys think they are about right. Thanks in advance for your replies. BLC