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I just have get this out there. 

I was searching some topics rather than starting a new thread, and I started reading older threads from 2004, 2006, etc.  After reading some posts, you learn about other posters and get curious of their stories and how the journeys played out.  Throw in a few Google searches, I was able to piece together generations worth of information revolving around this great sport and website.

The history contained within this site is truly amazing and I'm glad I stumbled upon it last year. It's such a 180 from the junk and venomous posts you read on other social media sites.  People are here for their true love of baseball and committed to help one another.

Perhaps I'm getting a little nostalgic, as my son's final HS season is upon us, with hopefully 4 (or 3 ) strong college seasons to go.  This site has been a tremendous wealth of information, I only wish I knew of it sooner.

I just wanted to say thanks to all the posters, both past and present!

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Great post CTBBallDad. 

Warning:  You will get nostalgic when your son hangs up his high school cleats.  It is part of being a parent.   I feel it right now.   This was the time of year my son's were working out and getting ready for high school baseball tryouts and the high school season.  I can still feel the joy my youngest son felt when we drove up to his high school to see his name on the JV roster after tryouts in 9th grade.  He was so happy, and frankly I think he surprised himself with his effort.   I really miss going to their games 

Best of luck with your son's last hs season and good luck to you and your son making the college baseball transition.  

Last edited by fenwaysouth

As one of those who's hung around since the very early days, your post and resulting thread elicited many recollections of prior members and their contributions.

Like so many, I stumbled across this website as the clueless father of a young,  passionate player; who was just beginning to attract the attention of college recruiters. At the time, I knew nothing about college baseball recruiting; but, I sensed that it was going to be important to my son. As a result, I made it a priority for me.

Thankfully, the guidance we received here helped us navigate the foreign waters ahead of us; as has been the case for so many who have found their way here.

Thanks to the selflessness of so many here, many hundreds (thousands?) of scholastic baseball players and their families have found direction at this site. For me, that's the overwhelming reason for this site's being and the principal reason that I continue to frequent it.

I give thanks to so many of you over the years who have taken the time and effort to give back what you have learned along the way; from so many different paths and perspectives. The result has been to the immense benefit to all who have come to learn.

Last edited by Prepster

I've been her a very long time.  This site has ebbs and flows and has had a dark time.  Believe me, I was a part of it.  However, and this is important, there are so many quality people here.  Many here are still here long after their sons have stopped playing.  I could name names but am afraid that I'd leave someone out.  

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