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Illinois Posters, please PLEASE, lets all agree to disagree. I've never had more pms or emails than I did this morning. I tried to count them but after the Little Piggy who went wa wa wa ALL THE WAY HOME, I ran out of Little Piggies.

Some posters obviously don't care for others. Wow UNDERSTATEMENT. If you don't care for CoachB25's theories, etc. just avoid my posts. Think, as so many do, that he doesn't know his stuff anyway and so... I think we have gotten to the point where some are taking some posts as personal attacks. That shouldn't happen. Agree to disagree and move on.

BTW, thanks to all of those voices of reason that sent pms. Your class was obvious and I appreciate that the remarks etc. were directed to me instead of open responses on various threads.

Did I mention that last night I got to run over 70 kids through our gym for our winter baseball clinic? I laughed so hard I cried as the kids, coaches, and parents all seemed to have a great time. NOW THAT'S BASEBALL.

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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One final appeal to reason. I am again asking fellow posters to refrain from making post geared toward inflaming fellow posters. During the last 2 weeks, I've been called a NAZI (PURE CLASS), the Gestapo, a Dictator, ... simply due to the fact that some posters can't act with maturity. Today alone, I have either been pmed or contacted via email to pull down NUMEROUS POSTS. Some posters pretend to be cute. YOUR NOT. Others take stabs at people they wouldn't dare do to a persons face. I am asking the following:

  • Grow up!
  • Quit hijacking threads for your own vendettas!
  • Remember the various reasons that this site exist! ie. To talk about the great game of baseball, be a resource to parents seeking to help their children out, to promote the game and to give coaches such as myself a place to swap ideas and continue learning the game.
  • If you can't say anything good about a person then don't say anything at all.

If you can't do this, be man/woman enough to take your flaming wars elsewhere. I am now prepared to ask MN-Mom to move to the next step with some posters. I'VE HAD ENOUGH! SHAME ON A COUPLE OF YOU MATURE ADULTS!
Last edited by CoachB25
Good to see things have calmed down some. This is the first day without pms to complain that I've had in some time. Good thing since I'm doing basketball. Scouted games ranging over 200+ miles (two tournaments) yesterday and coached one (another tournament) and scouted 3 today. I'm tired. Thanks for the calm. I'm going to see my family and go to sleep.
Originally posted by Topgun:
Calmed down yes, Yawn.
There was unacceptable stuff going on here but it was entertaining and believe it or not some interesting interaction.
Enough already with the congratulating each other, it's getting old.

Topgun, if this is getting old, go somewhere else. What is the purpose of this post? I wonder!
some of these posters need to go back to the message board on usa sportsrankings - its giving the Illinois people bad publicity. This sight is a good place for information from parents and coaches that have been through the high school and some college years. This is the information and stories I look forward to reading.
Thanks, from an Illinois parent

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