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Former Observer did such a good job on the official visit, I was hoping he, or anyone with experience, might educate us newbies with what to expect on an unofficial visit. My husband and I are taking our son (2013) on his first this weekend. It will include a football game, and I am assuming others might be there for official and unofficial visits as well. This is a school he really likes.
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We are going on a kind of unofficial visit ourselves this weekend since the school my son is interested in is having an open house. My son had gotten some preliminary interest from the school for baseball but an injury this Fall has kind of laid him low on the recruiting front until December. What we did do is contact the coach via Email and let him know we would be on campus that day. If you contact the coach sometimes they or an assistant will take you around the BB facilities and talk a bit. You didn't say if you were in contact with the BB coach but the only difference in an official visit is that they pay for the travel and other things associated with the visit. I would prepare a list of questions to ask the coach if you get the opportunity. At the very least tour the school find out about the living quarters, layout, cafeteria, etc.
My son did his most of his unofficial visits prior to the start of the HS spring baseball season of his Junior year (Feb/early March). This gave us a chance to visit the colleges in season so he left the visit with a real sense of what it might be like for him during the baseball season. The timing also provided him a great opportunity to meet many players and see what their routine was like as they prepared for their games.

Typical schedule:

- Meet with recruiting coordinator and head coach for general overview of program and discussed where they saw my son’s fit with their program
- Tour of campus
- Tour of academic support facilities, normally met with an Academic Councilor that provided an overview of the tutoring and study support programs that the athletes were provided.
- Tour of at athletic facilities
- Attend baseball game (Son usually invited to hang out on the field/dugout prior to game if time permitted)
- Usually had breakfast, lunch or dinner with recruiting coordinator or head coach. (We paid for our own portion of the meals)

Because these were unofficial visits, the school could not provide any meals, transportation or lodging on the visits however they were allowed to provide tickets to a sporting event.

An added bonus for me was that I had the opportunity to meet TPM, Coach May, Prepster and SoutherNo1 on our visits. Smile
Last edited by jerseydad
Originally posted by smalltownmom:
Former Observer did such a good job on the official visit, I was hoping he, or anyone with experience, might educate us newbies with what to expect on an unofficial visit. My husband and I are taking our son (2013) on his first this weekend. It will include a football game, and I am assuming others might be there for official and unofficial visits as well. This is a school he really likes.


Where are you taking taking Joey?

The main difference is who is paying.

The visits are structured to get the recruit acquainted with the school, the coaches, players, and the program.

And, for the coaches to get to know the player (and parents, a bit)better.

As I mentioned in the other thread, there was a player who was on an official visit that had already committed. That player brought a friend a long.

All weekend long, the coaches were very careful to make sure that friend received a separate check for his meals, etc.

There is a limit to the number of official visits that a school can use per year.

As a result, coaches probably make decisions about who to offer official visits based on many factors.

Time and distance for the recruit to travel and the recruits financial circumstances are some examples.

I wouldn't base a whole lot of judgment about a schools interest just based on whether they are willing to pay for the visit or not.

If you are visiting, the coaches are talking to your son, showing him their facilities and answering your questions, that's interest regardless of who is paying.

There is another thing that I hadn't thought about, and justbaseball's post reminded me.

It is very helpful when you have made visits to several different schools.

Just like shopping for anything, you begin to form a better idea of what you really want or where you feel comfortable.

Take at least two visits, even if your first is to your 'dream' school.

That will answer some of your top three questions that you didn't even know you had.
Last edited by FormerObserver
When you go on these unofficial visits, do you talk to the coaches prior to the visit and let them know that you are coming or do they invite you? I am somewhat confused on this and I would like to get a better understanding of it for this upcoming spring. I had a real good showing this fall at a top school and had the chance to talk to most of the coaches. Should I pursue an "Unofficial visit?" Any insight is appreciated.

Setting up a visit can be initiated by the coach or the recruit.

Your visit will be more successful if the coach is expecting you.

The coaches are very busy and many times are hosting several recruits simultaneously.

They will schedule the visit to make the best use of everyone's time.

Normally a visit is scheduled after a few contacts/conversations with the coach that establish a mutual interest.

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