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Aeden, alas, was released by the Pirates a few days ago. This is the second time he's had to go through this...though not something one ever gets used to!

Fortunately, I had gone over to Bradenton on Saturday and got to see him play well and hit well in a game against the Yankees. (Not to mention meeting the lovely Q's Dad, another hsbbweb treat.) When he finished, I sat down by one of the unused fields, and a charming gentleman named Woody Huyke sat down to talk to us. The Oldest Working Pirate; heck, the facility is named after him! Quite an honor to talk basbeall with a man of his experience. In the course of the conversation, he mentioned that he didn't like the Pirates' policy of picking up FAs and Independent League guys, as they never gave them any real consideration. I was afraid he was giving me a warning and I guess now that he was.

When Aeden was released by the Pads last July, he started work on finding a 'real' job. But this time, he just wanted to keep playing --- even though he well knows that it's unusual for a released guy to get another shot, most particularly an NDFA sans agent. So not much thinking that particular miracle is going to repeat itself. What to do, what to do.

As some of you know, he also plays for the Great Britain National team and the World Cup is this Fall (22 countries, including the USA will be there); the UK will start play in Moscow and hopefully continue into Italy. He loves playing for his country and was so looking forward --- gotta stay in shape! So he gets home Sunday, calls his UK coach Monday, and by Tuesday he had an offer to play in the Dutch pro league (remember those guys from the WBC Wink), including transport, an apartment, and a salary just a little higher than MiLB. He'll be playing and managing their Junior (18u) team as well sincethe league only plays 3-4 days a week.

He's played in Europe two summers during college --- once in the UK, once in the German Bundesliga. Such phenominal experiences for him.

So, as this Being Released Thing would have happened eventually (as it does for at least 95% of the guys, alas), this isn't a bad consolation prize at all, at all. He made it into his third year of MiLB, and is still, as he's wanted to be since T-ball days in England, a Pro Ballplayer Wink.

I've got to mention one other thing of great importance. Aeden had a chance to talk to Zach Duke last week and they spoke, of course, about the highschoolbaseballweb. Unlike most of the times our boys with hsbbweb-junkie parents "discuss" this hallowed site Roll Eyes, those two had nothing but praise for this fine forum, recognizing what it has done for both of them. In Aeden's case, his introduction to the UK team came from right here. Without the hsbbweb? No UK team, no summers in Europe, no tournaments in Barcelona, Prague, Vienna, and Bavaria. No Moscow to come....and no continuation of his career in Holland. All of those fantastic experiences started because of people in our community. Deepest thanks.

Ah, life's rich tapestry.

Continued best of luck to all our boys.
"They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance." --- Terry Pratchett
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Orlando - very moving post! You might also want to stop by the Ohio forum and say congrats to luvbb's son who is moving on to law school after his time in pro ball.

As PGStaff once said, there are many ways to make a living at baseball. It sounds like your son has figured out some things and I think baseball will always be part of his life. What a life he has led thus far and continues to lead imho! All the best to the young man Smile
Yes, Orlando you certainly have a way with words.
One door closes and another invites you in.
Sounds to me like Aeden has had many enriching baseball experiences already in his young life. This is a very cool opportunity for him...things happen for a reason, I am thinking that "Life's rich tapestry" is about to get bigger and richer.
Good luck to Aeden and keep us "posted" on his adventures in Europe.
Last edited by iheartbb

I have been through that unpleasant experience more than once. It is not much fun for anyone involved. In fact, it is a very bad experience. At the time it doesn't really help to know that it happens to nearly all players.

I have to commend you for even bringing it up here. I think this is a very important message that people do need to hear. It's reality! and at some point many on here are going to experience it. Later on, you realize just how good your son was to have had the opportunity. I think you have realized that before most people would.

Also, everyone should appreciate the persistence and desire that Aeden possesses. He might play for a long long time, but even if not... He has learned so much that many others will never know. I bet he will be involved in baseball for a long time.

A sad day perhaps, but he should be congratulated and so should you. He is a true professional! I hope he someday uses his experience and knowledge to help young kids. Sounds like he is already off and running when it comes to that.
I can only imagine the roller coaster of emotions involved in the process. It's a funny thing to sit here and wish the journey for my own son, knowing the hills and valleys involved beforehand.

It really is commendable that you can so eloquently place your thoughts and your heart out on the table for us to peruse.

I wish nothing but happiness and success for both you and Aeden as your collective journey continues to unfold.
Last edited by CPLZ
i feel bad when i hear of player's getting released. it could happen to mine at anytime, maybe that has something to do with it.

isn't it ironic the job they have dreamed of and worked for, is so cruel at times. but i'm sure they wouldn;t trade it for anything.

i wish him all the best in his future baseball life. sounds better than milb.
"Sports do not build character. They reveal it".

I so admire someone with the purpose and desire to fulfill their dreams, no matter what hurdles that might be thrown in front of them. How proud you must be watch to Aeden continue his quest. What wonderful stories he will be able to tell. I look forward to reading his book someday. Smile

Best wishes to Aeden on his new adventure!
Last edited by jerseydad
Hey Orlando -

I read this when you posted but just didn't know what to say. I told my husband we missed our chance with the Crawdads. That made me sad, but I can only imagine how you felt when you found out.

I'm sorry things didn't work out here, but it sounds like he has a great opportunity! I hope he runs with it!

Good luck - he couldn't have a more supportive mom!

You know my feelings from our phone conversation so I will not go on further here.

I would like to provide a FYI that I learned in my recent trip to Bradenton... The Pirates drafted into the 50th round in 2001 and while not all 50+ players were signed, as of 30 March 2009 there is only one player from that draft that still plays at ANY level in the Pirate organization.
BA reported today that the Cubs released their #1 picks from 2003, 2004 and 2005. Combined signing bonuses totaling over $5,200,000. None reached MLB.
When I read about that and follow players like Aeden, I understand that the core of MLB is $$$$$.
Luckily, the game is played by young men who bring passion and love for the game.
No matter how hard MLB tries to screw it up, players, whether they be Aeden who gets released, or Zach Duke who makes it, keep it the game we love.
Here's the BA report infielddad was referring to. I don't know that many pro HSBBWer sons, but I did notice one favorite in addition to Aeden on the released list. Frown

A few clubs got the ball rolling last time out by setting free a handful of minor leaguers, but that total paled in comparison with the 294 players here who were given their release—including a smattering of first-round picks.

Smile Smile Smile --- Edit --- I just read the report a little further and saw he was signed by another club. --- Edit --- Smile Smile Smile
Last edited by infidel_08
Originally posted by infidel_08:
Here's the BA report infielddad was referring to. I don't know that many pro HSBBWer sons, but I did notice one favorite in addition to Aeden on the released list. Frown

A few clubs got the ball rolling last time out by setting free a handful of minor leaguers, but that total paled in comparison with the 294 players here who were given their release—including a smattering of first-round picks.

Smile Smile Smile --- Edit --- I just read the report a little further and saw he was signed by another club. --- Edit --- Smile Smile Smile

I know a few on the list.
Me, too Dad. So it goes.

Aeden read this thread before he left, and was touched by the comments and support. Thank you all. One of the last things he said at the airport was thanks for all the opportunities and experiences that have been fostered here on the hsbbweb. We got him the chance, he did the work --- nice partnership, gang!

He's safely in The Hague, in a flat across from a park in walking distance to the field; says it's beautiful. After a 24 hour journey (Orlando - Chicago - Zurich - Amsterdam) a coach and a fellow player picked him up at the airport. They said they had a friendly that night, but he'd probably want to sleep. Nope, he wants to play! And play he did; he hit a long fly the CFer was kind enough to misplay to drive in 2 runs and tie the game. Then he closed --- three batters: a GO and two K's. Said his last slider buckled the batter and he thought "Take that, you tulip-loving (blank)!" Next morning he was up running the 18u through some bullpens. Yes, he's thoroughly enjoying himself.

He got his first ink: ADO - Debut British Player

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