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Its and PG, nice posts. I call it a "junkyard dog" approach where what you had was taken away and now you're going to get it back. The determination to stay in the bigs is a key driving factor for him in my opinion. The question then is can he substain it. In watching the video, all of those pitches were away and yet, he was able to pull them. As was said during the game, "he's a pull hitter and everyone will soon know it." When the pitching adjust we will find out if he can adjust.
As Quoted from the previous article: (Emphasis added!)

"Ankiel, 28, has not been accused by authorities of wrongdoing, and according to the Signature records obtained by The News, he stopped receiving HGH just before Major League Baseball officially banned it in 2005.

This article states that there isn't a record of any other shipments and it was legal at the time. I'm saying it's alright or that I agree with taking any suppliment but this was a legal act at the time of him receiving this shipment if this is true.
Last edited by CoachB25
I don't think taking HGH or steroids before the MLB current policy was "legal." There was just no MLB policy against it in the past. People miss this when looking at some of the past stars who admitted to use prior to a MLB policy. They broke the law, there just wasn't a MLB policy until very late in the "game."

Taking this without a doctor's prescription or even taking just to enhance performance would have been illegal at the time. (Even though a doctor can legally write prescriptions he cannot write them for any reason). My brother is a doctor and can and does prescribe steroids. However, although he can legally write a prescription he cannot write one for me to enhance sports performance.
I don't think anyone really knows what to do about the steroid and hgh issues.I have heard it stated there are no test for hgh.Baseballpp from what I know you are correct, that it was illegal in this country when ankiel and glaus purchased hgh.I don't condone the use but what does a player really do as of now.It is not illegal in the latin countrys that I am aware of.This problem is still to prevalent at the college level.And is it a problem if it gives you a leg up on the competetion? Our mlb leaders seem to say it is only a problem if you get caught.While the current testing policies are in place and we have mlb leaders more concerned with a buck than what is natural and pure, then steroids will stay in the game.Selig could put a stop to this issue by having more test and stiffer penaltys.He is the one I blame most for this problem in the sport.
If I've read some of this stuff correctly, the first Doctor that was investigated for illegal prescriptions was in late 2004 and in Kansas City. Up to then, and in that following year, only 4 Doctors were invetigated. Also, I just heard one of the Doctors at Washington University in St. Louis comment abut HGH. Washington University is one of the top universities working in this field. He stated that HGH will do absolutely nothing to aid in performance. He also cited a study in
Australia which came to the same conclusion in an earlier research project. The Washington University Doctor did state that HGH along with testosterone might have a benefit but so far, they can't agree on a conclusion.
I have not been following this all day like some have,I have more going on in my life. Roll Eyes

Do I have this right?

He was prescribed a prescription,by a doctor to help him recover from a surgery.

The drug wasn't banned in baseball at the time.

He was out of baseball recovering from surgery.

It has not been proven,or even alleged for that matter that he has been taking hgh since he started back in baseball.

Like I stated,I have not been following this so these are legitimatre questions on my part.
Ankiel used HGH when it was legal, prescribed by a doctor who at that time was legal. HGH when used alone MAY aid in the healing process such as muscle repair after surgery such as Ankeil had to repair an arm that was not a pitchers arm. He is now in the outfield where he played before coming to the BIG league (it was MLB that wanted him to pitch not the other way around)with a great bat. A week ago here everyone said the Ankiel story was a Disney movie in the making. Now what his story will have the * too?
Originally posted by micmeister:
Originally posted by Chameleon:

Ya think one is quicker than the other?

Holy Cow, I didn't expect it to be this bad.


C' us something. Tell us what you see?

Are these the same? Similar?

Do they both "have it" like ALL mlb players..... according to you?

90 K's, 25 BB's, 104 hits, .314 onbase in AAA to go with those 32 HR's, 89 rbi's, and .267 BA.

Can even YOU see why?


Don't get me wrong. I am pulling for the guy. I see improvement in his recent bp swing.

But man.....he is a lot different than the high level mlb pattern.

I would say he got fooled on a pitch up in the zone. Let's see 5 or 6 swings in a row during same or consecutive at bats. He appears to be way out in front on this swing.

top hand provides early torque and batspeed whereas ankiels top hand does nothing,also look at their back arm slots,howard is in a powerful position ankiel is not..also look at the rear knee when contact is is explosive one is not..
top hand provides early torque and batspeed whereas ankiels top hand does nothing,also look at their back arm slots,howard is in a powerful position ankiel is not..also look at the rear knee when contact is is explosive one is not..

It should also be noted that one guy is making contact just above the knees (thigh high) right in his wheel house! while the other is making contact up high at the letters. The point of contact can make a difference in what we see in two swings. If we want to see someone's worst "looking" swing we would get a clip of him hitting a high pitch.
Tom, interesting comparison........

The differences in the two sings are glaring, IMO.......

It's segmentation of the upper and lower body vs. non-segmentation....

Ankeil doesn't seperate the upper and lower body.....He fires them together with the shoulders powering......It's a slow swing because it lacks stretch.........And, it's a hands straight to the ball swing which takes away the ability to make late swing adjustments........
Last edited by BlueDog
The point of contact can make a difference in what we see in two swings. If we want to see someone's worst "looking" swing we would get a clip of him hitting a high pitch.

PG, MLB swings are pretty consisitent, IMO......The exception would be if they get fooled on the pitch.........Then, of course, anything could happen.....
Last edited by BlueDog
I wasn't so much refering to Ankiel or the comparison of those players swings. I think if it's Tony Gwynn, Barry Bonds, Ryan Howard or anyone else. To totally compare swings it is best when they are hitting a baseball that's in the same location.

That said, it is fairly obvious that Ankiel's swing is not a picture of perfection. I would like to see a lot of different clips of him to see if he does at times flash a better "looking" swing.

I don't know this for sure, but I'm sure pitchers have a real good book on him by now. I'm guessing he's seeing a lot of pitches on the fist. That among other things is probably the reason for the big drop in production.

If giving credit is important... I sure don't have a problem saying Chameleon was right. Be interesting to see if Ankiel can make the necessary adjustments. He's already proven that he has unbelievable natural ability.
If giving credit is important... I sure don't have a problem saying Chameleon was right.

PG, I believe what is important is that Chameleon has some good opinions on swing theory.....

So does Tom, Swingbuilder, Wogdoggy, CoachB25 and some others.....I would like to see them post more because they can add lot of good stuff to our hitting discussions....... Smile
Last edited by BlueDog
Quick quiz:

According to, the following are the stat lines for the player you are maligning over the past 10 games, and for the likely AL MVP over the past 10 games. Can you guess which one is which?

7-39, 0 HR, 3 RBI

6-37, O HR, 2 RBI

Moral: Anyone can have a rough patch. And batting averages fall faster when you haven't had as many AB's.
Originally posted by tfox:
3 for 5 yesterday and just got another hit.

Numbers are the same as in AAA even with the slump.

See how silly this is,it will take time to accurately judge his talents.

I also agree that his mechanics could be better.He will also go through more slumps.

If they get him with the right people this Winter, he will get his swing tweaked and he will be right back next season hitting .300 plus and 25 or more HRs. He's a hard worker and now that he's had a taste of MLB pitching, he knows more about what needs to be fixed.
Originally posted by BlueDog:
The guy's batting .265......... Roll Eyes

.265(.266 now) with 18,(19 now) homeruns before the allstar break from a retired pitcher,1 year back.Not quite a hall of famer Big Grin but not to shabby considering the path.

We were discussing this at the ball field tonight,the general consensus was he will be a .300 hitter before he is done.If he reaches that and maintains his homerun power,it will be one of the greatest stories in baseball history IMO.
Last edited by tfox

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