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Had a great conversation with a parent last week.  His kid is deep into the showcase circuit, which I'm a huge fan of by the way.  He mentioned they saw many of the schools on the tour last year.  That translates to mean they saw the baseball field.  When asked how many dorm rooms he saw?  Zero.  When asked how many class rooms he saw?  Zero.  Libraries?  Zero.  Cafeterias?  Zero.


Guys, your kids are going to spend 20 hours each and every day OFF the field.  


Yeah, we will run 2 private workouts on each tour that offer a better player to coach ratio then any other camp you sign up for, but the real value of our tours is figuring out what he's looking for OFF the field.


More space is currently available for the NC Tour than the VA Tour.  Both will be awesome!



Tomorrow we begin our VA Softball College Bus Tour.


If you want to follow our journey you can do so via my twitter account,  You do not have to be on Twitter or tweet to view.


Reason for me posting here is so you can get a feel for what our baseball tours later this summer will feel like.


There is still a little space on the VA tour.  More space available on the NC tour.  





Finished up the tour last night.  Hope some of you were able to follow along on twitter.


All the college rolled out the red carpet for us once again!


I'll follow up with some more detailed thoughts in a few weeks.  No time now.  Prepping to do the NC College Bus Tour next week.  Several VA guys joining us.  Also have players from FL, NC, MD on that tour.  And everything from 2015 - 2018 grads.  The NC trip includes the who's who of NC college baseball.  1 omission, due to geography & schedule, called me Sunday night to try to get us to campus... Cambell... they only had 90 wins over the last 2 years!  Coaches want your kids on their campus!


Follow that twitter link to see the NC tour live next week.



I don't even know where to son came home last night after 4 days on PIS's VA College Bus Tour exhausted but an absolute chatter-box about the coaches, schools and academic programs.  This was exactly what my youngest son needed and when he needed it.  He (now) realizes this is his major (life) focus.


Son is not a blue-chipper by any stretch of the imagination (he's my late bloomer), but he has the tools to play at the next level given the right opportunity.  This VA Bus Tour opened his eyes to new schools as well as schools he had already visited.  In almost all cases his opinions & priorities changed on the 20+ schools he visited.  He followed many baseball head coaches (or their staff) across their campuses and facilities and listened to their presentations. Hint - Bring a pair of comfortable walking shoes as my son swears he walked 50 miles.  The tour bus was very comfortable with connectivity and son worried about this.  Every day we talked on the phone late at night he would tell me about this school or that school is now his number one choice. The great thing about it is that he is thinking about college baseball and ALSO thinking about academics, alumni networks, facilities, student to teacher ratios, total cost of attendance, location, and those things that most interest him.  He came back with a totally different and more mature perspective.


I had initial reservations about the amount of baseball scheduled.  As it turns out, my son said it was the perfect amount of baseball showcasing because he was so busy seeing schools from early AM to late night dinners.  He'd rather see 2-3 more schools than schedule an additional baseball stop.  He really surprised me with that response.


It was well worth the time, and resources.  I highly recommend this if you are in a similar situation with your son.  We're reviewing his Bus Tour school list andfollowing with coaches as well as Admissions departments.  He's motivated and bugging me to help him with this....that is a total 180 degree change for us.


My two cents.....if you are thinking about Rich.  He'll tell you everything you need to know.


Last edited by fenwaysouth

As one of the college coaches who was a part of this tour, I would like to commend Rich and his group for being very attentive during the tours, respectful of the people they encountered at the colleges and appreciative of the coaches who attended workouts! I have been in touch with several players/parents who felt that this was a great experience for them and that they visited schools that they had never considered before this past week. 

Everyone of these young men hope to attend college and play baseball, but it is important to remember that unless the young man picks the best college for him, the baseball part is unimportant.... because unless the player is successful academically, the baseball will be short lived. That is the value of this type of experience.... I would recommend this trip to those who have no idea of the variety and diversity of schools in Virginia. Good Luck to all of this years participants!

Last edited by BillyCat18

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