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With great hesitation, but with the greatest of pride I would like to share with you what I think is a great Field of Dreams story.

Y'day was OffcrKID's final day of Rookie Ball. Dressed in his BDU's (battle dress uniform/camo fatigues)... boy did he get a lot of friendly team heckling over that... he left the locker room and headed out to his first day of Active Duty at MacDill AFB in Tampa, when the secr'y of the GCL Phillies came running out and yelled "Bolt, you've got mail".

Seems it was his first piece of fan mail, from a 12 year old kid in Boston, a die-hard Phillies fan, who had been watching the Draft back in June. His Dad remarked about how "different" it was to see an Air Force kid go in the Draft. Well the 12 year old Googled, researched, and snooped and knew about everything there is to know about OffcrKID... stats, college history, family stuff, et al.

In the letter were pictures the kid had drawn in crayon to post on OffcrKID's locker... pictures of baseball, jets, parachutes, etc.

All he asked for was a GCL Phillies program with an autograph. Something tells me this kid is going to get a lot more "stuff" than that.

Gotta'dry off my keyboard now.

Blue skies & calm seas EVERYONE!

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