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Kids at that age are so wound up to play and so squirrely before games between that and they think there invincible I can see this happening more often.

I put a lot of energy into making sure my kids are being safe but I can't see all 12 of them all the time.

I feel for this team, this family, and especially for this coach because I know I would feel fully responsible for this.

They are all in my prayers as are my players and all kids playing this spring that they stay safe.

    "Im often saddended most by the loss of what this young man may have brought to the world....."

So true piaa_ump. Eric brought much joy and laughter to those around him during his too brief time with them here. That is quite a legacy he established in a short time. Imagine the smiles he is surely generating on the serene ball field he is now playing on.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
My prayers go out to this young man's family and the other young man and his family as well.
An almost identical situation happened a couple years ago with our son batting & hit a ball at the Pitchers head. It took quite some time, but the young Pitcher fully recovered. Our son was recently at a PBR Invitational, he received a list of players invited / attending the event. Sure enough...the young Pitcher was going to be there. The boys got ahold of each other, Hung out the evening before & even threw to each other during warm-ups at the event. Fortunately, our story had a happy ending.

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