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This is one thing that I like about you sir; you help these kids find a place to continue playing careers year after year after year with no selfish motivation. Jon Doyle is absolutely right and I am very sincere in paying you this compliment, as well.

By the way, your so right about first HS player taken in draft post you made in other thread.

It's impossible to make honest pick w/o seeing "all of them" up close and personal. That's exactly why cross-ckers scouting directors and GMs are flying all over the country at current time. I would love to one day do that, unlike most of them I talk with.
My wife may not like it either bee peace, RS
This really makes me feel good--- ANDY CANNON Lyons Township HS, Illinois, came east to our Binghamton showcase last year looking for a great place for college and baseball--he found it--Andy will be attending the University of Rochester come next Fall--this was confirmed by his Dad just a short while ago

Congrats Andy and Good Luck--you are going to enjoy the school not to mention playing for Coach Reina
Here are two more:

LHP DAN NELSON, Glastonbury HS, CT, is headed to University Maryland Baltimore County. UMBC is a memeber of the America East Conference

C ANTHONY CIPOLLA, Glastonbury HS, CT, is headed to Keene State in NH. Anthony's brother Frank is thet starting second sacker at the University of Hartford.

Congratulations and good luck to these two fine young men
This one truly feels GREAT

Last year we had a young man come to our Binghamton NY Showcase, MIKE PUGLIESE from Chino Hills Calif (Ontario Christian HS) and he created a load of interest

Sad to say some difficult family situations occurred after the event and Mike did not play spring baseball-- it has all come together now and he will be walking on at UCAL IRVINE in the fall---Spoke with his mom today and all is back on track

A real good feeling story--God Bless and Good Luck--Mike you are going to do fine
Last edited by TRhit
Thanks for the kind words. When Mike's dad passed away last fall, and he hung up his cleats, the coaches at UC Irvine, who are terrific men in addition to great coaches, told us they would have a spot for Mike if he ever decided to return to baseball.

Mike golfed instead of playing baseball this spring. The golf team was undefeated and was a great experience for him but his passion for baseball was still there. When the golf season ended he dusted off his cleats and headed to the cages to see if he could still hit. He realized he hadn't lost his swing and jumped back into playing with his ABD team.

He is really excited about attending UCI this fall and having the opportunity to play with such a great team.

Thanks for all of your input and interest in Mike.

Regina Pugliese
stonewall's mom....

First, our 'condolences' from the Cannon's in Illinois.

Secondly, I'm sorry to say that I can't recall what your son looks like. My son Andy was at the same showcase in New York. If not mistaken, your son was on the Red Team. Andy was on the Black Team.

I'm glad your son found his way back to baseball! It's a hard thing to give up when you have talent and love for the game. Our family wishes him the best!!!

Just wanted to say thank you to Mr. Rizzi. Tom has been a tremendous help with the recruiting process. He works extremely hard for his players. He helped my son find the right fit for school and baseball. This gentleman does all of this for the love of the game and its players. It has been a pleasure for our family to work with Tom.

I would like to thank all the posters on the web for great advice over the past year and also my PM friends Mr. PG, Mr. Shep and Coach Merc. Looking forward to starting it all over again with my 2010 graduate.
This is Great News for Frank!!! And this is exactly why we need people like TRHit involved with baseball and we are fortunate to have him here with us participating proactively with parents and prospects seeking a slot and place after High School. It would be interesting to know just how many TR has helped to be placed in college baseball through the years...TR???
By the way, your spark-plug of a catcher Angel Salome is doing great from what I'm hearing and could be moving up to Brevard CO Manatees by season's end, IMHO. Isn't Angel Salome one of your players too TR? He has more heart and determination than you can find anywhere in the minor leagues!!! He is hitting over .300 and has power to boot with pop times below 2.0 seconds every time!!! Can't wait to meet him when he gets down here...which should be soon!!

Congratulations again to Frank and his career as college-athlete. Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!
Peace, Shep
Last edited by Shepster

We dont keep count--we just want the players and parents to be happy with the choice that was made

Yes Angel is one of our kids and he is going to be a great one

Thanx for the kind words Shep--much appreciated

By the way Frank went our last night and pitched his NY Nine Team to a 6-3 win with 10 K's in the BCS event in Yapank, NY---the deal done I guess you could say he was relaxed

And speaking of things happening for the kids we just got word last night that STEVE MALVAGNA, he was with us a few years back in Norwich and was a major player at Adelphi the past few years has just signed with the NY METS---Congratulations
Originally posted by Shepster:
It would be interesting to know just how many TR has helped to be placed in college baseball through the years

Shep - this is a rough estimate - but I would put the number at around 750 to 1,000 over the last 10 years.

Actually - it is pretty amazing when you really think about it.

That is alot of young ballpalyers.

Because of the feedback that I have read about through the years on these boards, your showcase was of great interest to our family. Andy was searching for a school out East to play baseball at, besides getting a great education. Your College Select Showcase made the difference.

Your willingness to share information, be available to answer questions, sit-in on your seminar with the different collegiate coaches, (DI, DII and DIII) and with all of the games played during your showcase, was of tremendous value to Andy and our family!!! We did not find this from other venues that we had heard about, or seen.

Your words of advice about "playing" baseball in college were taken very seriously by Andy. He wanted to play college baseball and not "sit" on the bench his first or second year. I know, I know, he hasn't made the team yet, but then he wouldn't be going to the U of Rochester if he knew he didn't stand a good chance of playing his freshman year. Rochester is DIII and might not be in contention for a national world series berth next year, but don't tell Andy that! He comes from a high school that has a great winning history. He will bring that attitude with him to Rochester. He turned down Tufts University and the University of Chicago to get educated, and to play baseball. And if anyone wants to know about the coaching staff, tell them to contact me. Coach Reina and his staff are the best, and really 'rolled out the red carpet' for Andy.

Thanks again TOM!!!!! I know we said it before, and I'll say it again, THANKS!!!!

Last edited by BoomerIL
Thanks for the testimonial Boomer! My son will be participating in the Binghamton Showcase in August. We too had heard some very positive things about College Select and one phone conversation with Mr. Rizzi convinced me we had made a good choice. Hopefully my son plays well enough to stick with them through the fall. They seem very willing, even eager to help kids get to the next level.
Just got word from Pine Valley (NY)HS Coach Charlie LaDuca, who is also one of our staff coaches, that his Centerfielder, LANCE THURSTON , will be headed to University of Charleston (Div II) in West Virginia.

Lance attended our Binghamton Showcase in 2005

He will be joining another oner of our former players , Eric Sehnal (CT) who is a pitcher at the same university

Congrats to Lance and best of luck

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