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I like most of what I see.

The "shape" of the swing is there. By shape I'm talking about the path of the barrel. It's blurring backwards in an arch. The video is dark and the quality could be better, so I can't really tell exactly where the barrel is. I also can't tell exactly when and where contact is made. So I "guessed" when you made contact in order to synch you and Howard to "contact", which is how I usually synch clips.

There might be a little bat drag after your elbow tucks to your ribs. Again I can't really tell because of the video, so I won't say for sure.

I like how your head has minimal movement forward. I also like that your front knee opens into footplant and that your back knee turns with the front knee. This allows the hips to be opened at footplant. The hips being already opened creates separation between the hips and the hands. With this separation, all that you need to do is use your hands to get to the ball.

There is a difference in how high Howard's elbow starts and yours, but that's not an important detail right now. Before the barrel moves backwards both of your elbows' are are in the same position and "slotted".

There's more details I can write, but I'll wait and see your response and question first. Next time you take video, use a dark bat in a light background, or a light bat in a dark background, it let's use see the path of the bat better.

What kind of hitting cues have you been taught or have used?
Last edited by XV

Some swings were better than others. Stride needs some work...too much forward movement for my taste. Don't like that much head movement. Don't step with the stride foot...think reach and you will keep a steadier head and less forward movement. Also wish the stride finished with your feet about 3-4 inches farther apart.

Pitches that came inside broke you down more than others. A catcher looking at all these clips is going to attack you inside up/down then outside. Expect some pitches above your hands.

You have good hands because you make some good adjustments. Those hands will also let you wait on the ball you certainly aren't waiting in these clips but rather diving into a few pitches (hence the pitch locations to attack as a catcher). Be patient and trust your hands, let the ball come to you.

Quit rushing the the bottom half. Look at your foot plant versus Howard's in XV's post...big difference with his being good. You have already used your hips at foot plant...wasted rotational power. Your front knee is pointing out at the pitcher at foot it to Howard's.

From these clips I would guess you are looking to add power to your swing. The power is there but it's getting bled off or not utilized.

Sound like I'm blasting you? Not really, you've got alot more going for you than probably 80% of HS hitters. Aggressive with good hands are things you got covered...the rest is really pretty easy.

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