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My pesky 11 year old asked me if she could download a ringtone. Being the involved parent, I asked to see the site and hear the tone. I was shocked. They actually have ringtones that adults cannot hear and kids can. They are called mosquito tones. They have different frequencies. One is so high that my 11 year can hear it and my 20 year old cannot. When it rings in class, all the kids laugh and the teachers wonder what is going on. I can only hear 8 and 10 khz. my daughter can hear much higher. As we get older we get deaf to the higher tones.

I curse my stereo system and Led Zepplin. Big Grin

Check out this site and tell me what you hear!
"Don't sweat the small stuff." "I am responsible for the effort -- not the outcome. "
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I simply have to look in the mirror and ponder the new renegade hairs that want to sprout on top of my ears to know somethin's goin' down......I'm sure they block sound waves, too.

UPDATE: I was able to catch up to 16.7kHz. I'm shocked because of all the cranked-up music I listened to all through my teens, 20s and 30s! I am NOT a user of in-the-ear (or even over-the-ear) headphones, though, so this has probably helped save me.
Last edited by Krakatoa
I could hear to the 18.8! One of my kids had one of these tones on their phone a few years ago. I swore that they were pulling one over on me - they both promised they could hear the tone but I could hear nothing. Funny stuff!

JT - my dogs were going freaky too, but they're very geriatric! One of them could obviously hear all the tones, but she can barely hear me say her name anymore.

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