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@TPM posted:

I do believe that the home team is the official team for recording scores.

What is the issue.

Issue is first stats were never reported (scoring went out during the game) and now 48 hours later they inputted the stats like a LL coach would for the opposing team, basically 1 pitchers, etc. I am *hoping* they fix this but was wondering if there is a rule for this.

I assumed that NCAA ("even" D3) and summer league stats would be much better than HS.  I have found that not to be the case.  It has taken me a while to accept that there is nothing to be done - or, if changes are to be made, then the player has to initiate it.

Computer programs don't help, they make some consistent errors.  For example, if the catcher drops a 3rd strike and the runner reaches (not scored as E2) and then scores, the program scores it as an earned run.  Can be corrected manually if anyone has the desire to do so.

Thanks all. Basically the home team didn't enter anything until an hour or so ago, but now that it's entered, the stats are incorrect for most players. They seem to be aware. Given where things are with the transfer portal, etc, it would be nice to have accurate stats. FWIW, this is the first time I've seen this with either of my son's teams. See it frequently with summer ball.

From the game. Son's current line in the boxscore 9IP, 5BB, 0K, 1H, 1ER. In reality it was 5.1IP 0BB 5K, 5H, 2ER. So pretty off.....

Computer programs don't help, they make some consistent errors.  For example, if the catcher drops a 3rd strike and the runner reaches (not scored as E2) and then scores, the program scores it as an earned run.  Can be corrected manually if anyone has the desire to do so.

Not to pick nits, but if the runner reaches on a dropped 3rd strike, and it isn't recorded as a Passed Ball or E2, then it's considered a Wild Pitch, and assuming no further errors, the run should be counted as an Earned Run.

@T_Thomas posted:

Not to pick nits, but if the runner reaches on a dropped 3rd strike, and it isn't recorded as a Passed Ball or E2, then it's considered a Wild Pitch, and assuming no further errors, the run should be counted as an Earned Run.

Ah, good point.  I think that recording that particular situation must be tricky in some of the computer programs, because you can record it as reaching on a dropped 3rd strike without noting it as either an E2, WP or PB, and that's what turns it into an ER.  Have seen it happen a few times this year.

I'm just saying that computer programs are not the be-all and end-all.

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