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First gotta agree that this bat is very expensive. My first car cost less.

I'm also a little jaded about what is really the difference between metal bats.

With that said, my son has used every bat in the Louisville line and swears the ball comes off the Armour much harder than the other bats and has more "pop".
I've seen him hit with one and was left with the same impression. I still am hesitant though if it might not be an illusion- the bat makes an explosive sound, that I think comes from the ceramic material that is supposedly in the bat coating and it may be that sound that makes you think the ball is coming off the bat faster. But, it does seem to be just flying off there.

trouble is the Response is excellent and cheaper and the Omaha (which my son owns) is cheaper still and does a fine job. You could almost buy two Omaha's for 1 Armour. I am weighing this decision and will soon find the limits of my (in)sanity.

I might add that my son's hitting instructor has an Armour at his facility that he let's his students use and he and all the kids swear they've never used any bat with so much "Pop".
Just a thought....

Does anyone know how auto makers price their repair parts? Well they roll up the price little by little, until people stop buying them! Then they roll back the price just a little, until they find the $ amount that is the Highest that people will pay.

Seems to me that bat makers do the same thing!

Bats are one of the things that are noticed (at this level) by players, parents and fans. We all want the best for our son's, and we want them to be competitive. ("That would've gone yard if only I had XYZ bat!")

When will we stop equating cost to quality? Forget the maketing and find a bat you like, and get a good pitch to hit! That'll build confidence, and then you'll have the best bat made!
That was one of my concerns about the product. I bought the boy a Gen1X about a year ago and the thing just split in half like they did all over the country. They sent me back a a Deuce in return. I do not want to spend that kind of money only to send the product back 6 months later. If I happen to lose the receipt then I would be totally screwed. I don't know what is going on at H&B but they need to get it together. I wish the boy would go back to Easton. He did well with the Worth product as well until about 15 games into the summer the end cap aluminum started splitting. Hell, lets all go back to wood and take a chance with the ECO-Terrorists.
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